Recognising the value of localisation and building on the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) commitments, the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) and its four Areas of Responsibilities (AoRs) are seeking to meet the commitments made with regards to localisation and ensure that protection response strategies and coordination mechanisms are guided by the principle – “as local as possible, as international as necessary.”
The GPC Localisation Initiative is therefore an approach that supports, when appropriate, local partners to take their rightful place at the centre of the humanitarian system and to influence and shape the humanitarian strategies and interventions that affect them, ensuring they have a voice in coordination mechanisms and can bring vital information about protection needs on the ground. This means ensuring and increasing local actors’ engagement in both field coordination mechanisms and global strategic decision making.
To contribute to this objective, the GPC piloted the localisation initiative in 7 countries (Nigeria, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Libya, Myanmar and Pakistan) over the course of 2017-2018, analysing local actors’ engagement in protection coordination groups, identifying good practices and gaps as well as developing guidance and tools to advance the localisation agenda.
This learning paper is the final product of the GPC and its AoRs’ localisation initiative. It aims to identify, describe and share Key trends and lessons on the five dimensions of localisation in coordination, Good practices and recommendations on how to effectively engage local actors in protection coordination structures and increase their influence in these platforms, and Approaches and tools developed to guide Coordinators to advance the localisation agenda. Read the paper.
Localisation Essential Guidance and Tools for Coordinators
- Guidance for Producing a Localisation Dashboard for Child Protection Coordination Groups
- Localisation Dashboard Sample South Sudan 2016
- Self-Assessment Tool on Principles of Partnership: Cluster Review
- Self-Assessment Tool on Principles of Partnership: Partnership Review
- Guidance on How Localisation can be integrated into the Humanitarian Programme Cycle
- HNO and HRP Baseline 2018 Child Protection Positioning and Visibility of Localisation
- A Tip Sheet for Integrating Localisation in the HNO and HRP
also in Fr - A Tip Sheet for Engaging Women-Led Organisations in Humanitarian Coordination Mechanisms
- Localisation in Coordination Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- A Menu of Option for Cluster Coordinators on how best to Engage with Diaspora
Localisation Essential Guidance and Tools for National Partners
- Framework for strengthening the Institutional Capacity of National and Local Actors
- Localisation Scoping Survey Questionnaire
also in Fr - Localisation Scoping Survey Findings Report
- Localisation Orientation Module for Cluster Coordinators (and Preparatory Guidance and PowerPoint Presentation)
- Localization of Protection Facilitator Guide: Capacity-Building Workshop on Cluster Engagement for Local and National NGO (and PowerPoint Presentation
- Humanitarian Coordination and the Cluster Approach: A Quick Guide for Local Actors, available in English, Arabic, French, Portuguese, Spanish
Localisation Field Support Missions
- Localisation Scoping Mission in Somalia, Report
- Localisation Scoping Mission in Nigeria, Report
- Localisation Support Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo, Report
- Localisation Support Mission in South Sudan, Report
- Localisation Support Mission in Libya, Report
- Localisation Support Mission in Pakistan, Report
- Localisation Support Mission in Somalia, Report
Localisation Learning Events
- Protection Conference Report
- Localisation Donor Dialogue Summary Report
- Localisation Roundtable Summary Report
- Forced Migration Review: ‘Exclusion of Local Actors from Coordination Leadership in Child Protection’