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  5. 21 ore fa
  6. 21 ore fa
  7. 21 ore fa
  8. 23 giu
  9. 23 giu
  10. 21 giu

    I've got a lot of for you, Roberto Saviano. You don't give in to the blackmail done by Matteo Salvini

  11. 21 giu
  12. 20 giu
  13. 20 giu
  14. La France🇫🇷 regrette la décision des États-Unis, annoncée hier, de se retirer du Conseil des droits de l’Homme des Nations unies.

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  15. 20 giu

    Décision immonde de le silence d'Israël est assourdissant...

  16. 19 giu
  17. 14 giu

    In terms of evolution all humans are originally from Africa and from there came the different migrations to occupy the whole planets; Are we humans beings with inhumans behaviour? We were all migrants!

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