Ljudske priče


U pozadini svih izvješća i statistika o izbjeglicama, tražiteljima azila, interno raseljenim osobama i apatridima nalaze se stvarni ljudi sa često zastrašujućim pričama o patnji i gubitku, kao i o nadi i ambiciji. UNHCR vjeruje da je njihovim glasovima potrebno osigurati platformu i - kad se ne riskira njihova sigurnost - dati lice milijunima ljudi o kojima skrbi. Najbolji način razumijevanja patnje drugih je saslušati njihove priče o poteškoćama, hrabrosti, borbi i upornosti.



Behind all the statements and statistics about refugees, asylum seekers, the internally displaced and the stateless are real people with harrowing tales of suffering and loss, as well as hope and ambition. UNHCR believes we must provide a platform for their voices and - when it does not risk their safety - to give a face to the millions of people of concern. The best way to understand the suffering of others is to hear their stories of hardship, courage, struggle and perseverance.

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