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Sport and Active Society

The IOC has long recognised that it has a significant advocacy role to play in the promotion of sport and physical activity at all levels around the world. This advocacy role has been reflected in the Olympic Agenda 2020 – the strategic road map for the future of the Olympic Movement - and is part of the "Olympism in action" programmes along with the Olympic Day, Olympic Values and Education, Women in Sport or Peace through Sports programmes for example.

Globally, 1 in 4 adults is not active enough and more than 80% of the world’s adolescent population is insufficiently physically active (World Health Organization). Let’s reverse this trend and get moving!

The IOC and its Sport and Active Society Commission have designed a useful toolkit for organisations across the Olympic Movement that are managing Sport for All programmes available under this section. It provides them with the knowledge, understanding and tools needed to improve existing programmes worldwide, as well as to create new ones.

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Sport and Active Society Toolkit

Learn more with the Toolkit

A guide to implementation


Promoting healthy lifestyles among city residents through the use of dedicated city spaces and transport infrastructure for cycling, running, walking and other physical activity.

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Teaching the skills needed to enter the workforce through soccer and other team sports to disadvantaged youth across the americas

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