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Gansbaai Communal Sports Programme


The centre aims at inspiring positive social change in a diverse local community through sport.

Gansbaai (Western Cape – South Africa)
Organisation Football Foundation of South Africa (FFSA)
Start-end date
2008 – ongoing
Target group age
Children and young people between 6 and 30 years old
Over 5,000 participants and users annually
Absa, Barclays, the Premier League, the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport and the Overstrand Municipality
For inspiration

Download the file of the case study


The mission of the Gansbaai sports programme is to support and initiate grassroots sports development in South Africa by empowering people through providing access to education, resources, facilities and equipment. The programme is run in the Gansbaai communal sports centre, which has a full-size artificial football pitch, an additional grass football field, two rugby fields, cricket and hockey pitches, dual purpose tennis and netball courts and cricket nets. The programme utilises sport to address social and developmental issues and can serve as a catalyst for social change and integration. The facility was built in the centre of three culturally diverse communities, with a pathway from each community leading directly to the sports field – making it equally accessible to all people as a “neutral” space not belonging to any specific community.


A facility inspiring social change

Gansbaai lacked basic sporting facilities, even for schools in the area. The new state-of-the-art multi-purpose sports facility, uniquely situated on land in the middle of the three communities, serves as the perfect catalyst for social integration. The programme reaches the four schools of Gansbaai, developing boys and girls from the age of six through to 18, as well as the broader Overberg region, by conducting coaching clinics and holiday camps in neighbouring communities.

Extensive sports programme

The sports programme in Gansbaai comprises training five days per week, with games, tournaments and coaching clinics taking place on weekends. Dedicated coaches and volunteers run football, netball, hockey and cricket coaching sessions and education lessons for the young people in the Gansbaai area, developing boys and girls from the age of six through to 19. During school holidays, special holiday programmes attract children from the entire community for weeks of fun, games and educational activities.


Promote sport and physical activity

The main goal of the programme is to offer a location and facilities for young people to practise sport and do some physical activity, thus promoting healthy living and engaging people in activity and sport.

Support active societies

The programme reaches all schools in Gansbaai. As a result of the new facility, the Department of Education identified the need for a High School in Gansbaai, and built the very first High School in the area adjacent to the sports fields. As a result of the new High School, more children now graduate because of the decrease in travel time, and, as the dropout rate reduces, fewer children get involved in anti-social or criminal behaviour.


The programme is promoted through the FFSA’s website and social media platforms that feature regular newsletters and updates on newsfeeds. In addition, press releases are submitted to local newspapers and international sports for development networks to further amplify the programme’s online presence as well as broadcast programme events through local radio stations.


FFSA staff regularly monitor and evaluate projects by engaging with the local community through site visits, workshops, questionnaires and surveys. Focus groups are explored in depth through group discussion, case study examinations and independent research conducted by partner universities. Since January 2013, an online M&E tool has been implemented that monitors all data captured in the field of sports, training and education to produce measurable results.

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