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Escuela Sociodeportiva Martin Luther King

Escuela Sociodeportiva Martin Luther King


The goal of the programme is to use sport as a tool to facilitate integration and social inclusion by promoting and reinforcing ethical values, keeping vulnerable children away from the dangers of the street and preparing them for life in society.

Organisation Escuela Sociodeportiva Martin Luther King
Start-end date
2003 – ongoing
Target group age
6-17 years old
1,489 children and youth between 2009 and 2012
Jesuits of Peru, Real Madrid Foundation, Endesa Foundation, the municipality of El Augustino and the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Key facts
A majority of students who were not in education or jobs before taking part in the programme at the Escuela Sociodeportiva MLK are now receiving an education.
For inspiration

Download the file of the case study


In 2003, Escuela Sociodeportiva MLK was founded in El Agustino, Peru, where most of the population lives in poverty. The fundamental aim of the school is to promote sport among children and adolescents and use sport as a tool to promote coexistence, integration and social inclusion and to prevent violence. The programme keeps vulnerable children away from the dangers of the street, strengthening values and preparing them for life in society. The participating children and youth play sport – football and volleyball – three times a week, complemented by skills-training in the form of personal development workshops as well as tournaments. Attending the programme is free, and there are no selection criteria in regard to cognitive or athletic abilities. On average, 65% of participants aged 6 to 17 years of age stay in the programme for at least one year.


Instilling values

The programme at Escuela Sociodeportiva MLK is aimed at the formation and promotion of values (respect, punctuality, tolerance, honesty and responsibility) and for participants to apply these values in and out of an educational setting. The sports training delivered by the programme consists of various elements that are applied in a consistent manner. After arrival at the sports ground and dividing the children into different categories, the teacher and children greet each other and share a conversation on how they are doing. This is followed by a physical warm-up and sports practice in the form of skills-training and games. The training ends with hand washing and a piece of fruit and a drink which is consumed together with the group and coach, followed by a personal farewell to the coach.

Family involvement

Children and adolescents who attend the programme come from very fragile and poor families and are in a situation of risk. In order to help channel some of the risks the children face in their community, part of the programme at Escuela Sociodeportiva MLK is the involvement of family members. Activities include walking with parents, celebrating Mother’s Day and Christmas, and school meetings with parents or other family members. In 2013, the school saw a large increase in family involvement, with 80% of parents accompanying their children to training, championships and other events.

Escuela Sociodeportiva Martin Luther King


Improve public health and well-being

Escuela Sociodeportiva MLK uses sport as a tool to promote coexistence, integration and social inclusion and to prevent violence amongst communities. In order to help participants stay healthy, two-year medical checkups, First Aid and assistance to access comprehensive health insurance are provided for all participants.

Provide equal access to sport

The programme is targeted at children and youth with a difficult or poor background, and seeks to keep them away from the dangers of street life by using sport to strengthen their values and prepare them for life in society.


Entry in the school takes place via promotion in local schools in the community and referrals from other social programmes in the area already associated with the Escuela Sociodeportiva MLK.


The project’s impact is measured through the constant evaluation of the participation of children and adolescents. Changes observed in participants are reduced levels of aggression, improvements in personal hygiene, a greater desire to learn, improved collaboration with teachers and increased friendship, trust and solidarity among peers.

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