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Fight for Peace International

Fight for Peace Global Alumni Programme


The programme aims at building local organisations’ capacity to deliver Fight for Peace-like services in their communities.

Organisation Fight for Peace International
Start-end date
2011 – ongoing
Target group age
All young people living in communities affected by violence
76,680 young people in 21 countries
The IKEA Foundation, Comic Relief, Laureus Sport for Good Foundation, Canadian Department of Heritage, and UK Sport
Key facts
To date, Fight for Peace (FFP) has worked with 56 local organisations from across 21 countries through which 76,680 young people are being reached in communities affected by violence. All 56 organisations have been trained at the FFP Academy in Rio, and have received support from FFP to adapt the FFP approach in their communities.
For inspiration

Download the file of the case study


The Fight for Peace Global Alumni Programme (GAP) builds the capacity of community-based organisations (CBOs) around the world to deliver high quality support to young people in cities affected by violence. GAP provides intensive training in the FFP approach and 12 months of on-going consultancy support to help adapt the approach to be effective in each CBO community. The ultimate target for all of FFP’s activities is to reach young people living in communities affected by violence. That includes young people who are heavily entrenched in criminal or violent activity, those at risk of involvement, and those not involved in violence but who are marginalised because they live in a community where there is violence. GAP aims to be of benefit to those young people by building the capacity and capability of CBOs in cities where youth violence is a critical issue.


Choosing the right partner organisations

In each city GAP selects 5-10 CBOs that are well established, sustainable, highly credible locally, and which already have good access to the targeted young people. Broadly, two types of CBOs are selected: boxing and martial arts clubs that want to establish youth programming around their sport; and youth programmes that want to add boxing and martial arts to engage young people involved in violence. Every CBO that is selected for GAP is already a leader in their community; GAP is designed to help them increase their impact and speed up their development. The CBOs that take part in GAP become FFP Alumni, and by the end of 2015 there will be approximately 120 Alumni members from 25 countries all aligned in their use of boxing and martial arts-based approaches to reducing youth crime and violence. These CBOs will collectively support over 100,000 young people.

Intensive training followed by long-term support

The CBOs that are selected to take part in the GAP receive five days of intensive training in all FFP principles and practices at one of the FFP Academies in Rio de Janeiro or London. This training is followed by 12 months bespoke consultancy to support adaptation of the FFP model, and build organisational strength and sustainability. The FFP toolkit, containing a wide range of delivery-ready tools and templates, further supports the participating organisations in the day-to-day delivery of their programmes to the local youth. Through their membership of the FFP Alumni, CBOs gain access to opportunities for peer-learning and partnership with other CBOs around the world. Finally, the use of the FFP Alumni brand and FFP’s evidence-based research assists CBOs in building credibility with supporters and funders.

Fight for Peace International

Promote sport and physical activity

Fight for Peace promotes the practice of boxing and martial arts as a tool in the inclusion and development of young people.

Improve public health and well-being

The ultimate target of all FFP activities, including the training of local organisations, is to realise the potential of young people living in communities affected by violence by teaching them boxing and martial arts in combination with education and personal development.


The programme is communicated through a number of international sport for development and youth violence networks including Beyond Sport, Laureus, Comic Relief, Save The Children, and UK Sport, as well as via relevant local channels and networks in cities where FFP is building a GAP cohort.


As an organisation development programme, outcomes are assessed on two different levels: (1) changes in the capability and capacity of CBOs that take in GAP; and (2) improved outcomes for the young people who attend the CBOs that can be attributed to this organisational change. FFP monitors GAP through a combination of self-assessments submitted by the CBOs, and direct assessments carried out by FFP. All CBOs are provided with support to build their measurement and evaluation capacity to help ensure self-assessment data is robust.

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