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Over 5 million people have fled Syria since 2011, seeking safety in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and beyond. Millions more are displaced inside Syria and, as war continues, hope is fading fast.

UNHCR works hard to help, leading a coordinated effort across the region. Together with our partners, NGOs and host governments, we offer a lifeline to those in need.

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13.5 million people in need in Syria

6.3 million internally displaced persons

4.6 million people in hard-to-reach and besieged areas

Around UNHCR

VASyR 2019 cover

2019 Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees

The 2019 VASyR, published in December, analyses a representative sample of Syrian refugee families in Lebanon to provide a multi-sectoral update of the situation of this population. Conducted annually, 2019 marks the seventh year of this assessment. With more than one million Syrian refugees, Lebanon remains to have the largest concentration of refugees per capita, globally.