These are empty words Mr. @antonioguterres. Your organization has the powers to stop these dictators a d tyrants causing these havocs and yet you're doing nothing about it but prefers to collect bribes from them. Shame on you and the @UN
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If they must leave their countries, they should look another country that has the same value system not going to a different country illegally to enforce their own beliefs. If you know the cause of a problem, deal with it
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What about Ambazonians aka Southern Cameroonians? You are keeping their stories untold because you and your surrogates find no interest in their Land! Wait until all are massacres then you will start sending messages of forgiveness. UN has failed us. Ambazonia shall be free soon!
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Is it not better to prevent them from becoming refugees in the first place, than to stand with them only when they have become refugees? You failed to prevent Southern Cameroonians from becoming refugees because you pick the side of the oppressors and labeled it "Internal crisis"
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Hypocrites, your organization is the cause why people live their homes, because of lack of immediate intervention like in the case of
#SouthernCameroons. If you had not collected the golden statue from paulbiya maybe you would have spoken up against genocide in#Ambazonia by - 1 more reply
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Security Walls: The crime you left unsaid on National Security will escalate someday to hunt even your peace. It's time to tackle all security loopholes for the sustainability of peaceful democracy in our world. The peace of every Nation attract foreign.. …
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@UN... shouldn't 'proactive' move be what UN primary duty ought to be? Sadly, UN is only waiting for war to call for 'restraint' and roll out blue helmets and call for aids. Save#UN now with truth or let the actions of corrupt people like your deputy will destroy it soon! media may contain sensitive material. Learn moreThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
What have we learnt so far? Sad to have Refugee day.
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What l will do is to ask
@antonioguterres & UN to defend justice & truth,solve root cause of crisis, stop receiving gifts & bribes that will impair their independence as those received from dictator#PaulBiya of Cameroon in exchange for lip ceal during genocide. What a shame! Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
Turkey opened its borders to the 3.5 million refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war. On the
#WorldRefugeeDay, let’s take a look at their daily lives in Turkey through the World
Syrian refugees in TurkeyThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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You are a hypocrite sir.Ambazonians are butchered and forced from their homes by the brutal terrorists soldiers of Paul biya.All you did was to collect a golden statue when you http://visited.No condemnation.@innercitypress@@
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Soon the same will happen in South Africa. The UN feels nothing for white people
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Good Efforts sir,
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DFCA also provides free Education in 2 refugee schools to 600 girl students. Recently the donor regret more donations due to lack of funds. Kindly support
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It's not aliens that force humans out of their homes. Humans fight humans. Refugees should not be a story in this century. Promote peace, promote economic growth, end the war criminals.
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I know what I would not do and the is depend on the United Nations for help because they are all talk no action They are blatantly ignoring thousands of innocent children in cages because trump is a communist bastard and the UN is afraid of him but not afraid or North Korea
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