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Da Bechman Retweeted
Remnants of structures set ablaze this week by security forces in Wombong, Boyo Division. Amongst the houses burnt down is that of Prof. Paul Nkwi, the Constitutional Council
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Da Bechman Retweeted
Please, keep
#Decentralization and#RegionalBalance for your overseas province#Cameroun, independent 1 Jan 1960.#Ambazonia, independent 1 Oct 1961, is a different country. So, thank you @EmmanuelMacron but no thanks!#Ambazonia Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
MACRON IS SPONSORING A GENOCIDE IN CAMEROON - While dancing in Lagos, an English-speaking country, Emmanuel Macron is sponsoring the genocide on Anglophone Cameroonians - Southern Cameroonians, Ambazonians. The French president's nice suit is already bloody. Retweet, please!
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Da Bechman Retweeted
@ITBMINCOM, is chilling at the home of the US Ambassador to Cameroon while discussing the conflict in anglophone Cameroon. Looks like the feud over the condemnation by the US of the army's violence is no longer an issue... On@AJStream now. …Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
"As an anglophone, I had a lot of frustrations, for example,although I was Ctv's Chief Editor,there are things I was not allowed to do because I was English-speaking "ERIC CHINJE These same frustrations have followed every Anglophone who now see
#Ambazonia as the way Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
In my humble opinion let the UN correct the wrongs of 1961 by addressing the root causes of the crisis through a dialogue between both sides and give the people of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) the opportunity to decide their future in a referendum. We are not terrorists please.
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Da Bechman Retweeted
This is the kind of communique which prompts many non-Camerounians to wrongly conclude the
#AnglophoneCrisis is a language issue. I was out of breath by the time I finished the first Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
What a disgrace
@EmmanuelMacron you ar nothing but a liar! Murderer! Rapist! Looting other peoples land.. this you are saying is just blabber. STOP#GenocideInSouthernCameroons Do you really think for a second you are fooling anybody? Help stop this!@VP@POTUS@HouseForeign …0:45Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
@NforHanson visits Kupe Manengouba SWR. He reports that the Ambazonian fighters have warned shop owners against the sale of SABC products. Traders have been told to empty their stock … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#US celebrates her independence today granted to them by thenselves. If we want motherland#Ambazonia to be free then we got to fight and cease our independence from the occupier.@innercitypress@POTUS@MarkBareta@marcel_lucht@AlbertNchinda@AJStream@antonioguterresThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
When you kill them, they become more radicalized than before.
@PR_Paul_Biya is inciting terrorism Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
These are the acting leaders of SouthernCameroons Ambazonia.I thank them for their efforts to take us to Buea the capital of SouthernCameroons they are doing their best to free us from the hands of laRepubliqueduCameroun(oppressor). Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
Anglophone detainees at the Kondengui maximum security prison on Tuesday morning staged a protest strike against prison authorities for allegedly tortutring fellow anglophone detainees.
#Cameroon#Cameroun …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
#SouthernCameroonians arrested in French Cameroon for speaking English. …#SouthernCameroonsMustBeFree#FreeAllArrested#GenocideInSouthernCameroonsThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
#SouthernCameroon (#Ambazonia) crisis. I just received this tweet below and photographic evidence with Ambazonia villagers showing at the camera the kind of ammunition Biya forces use against them, their families and their homes. …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
Anglophones Targeted in La Republique: Distress Message sent to Mark Bareta "
#Mark all is not well with Ambazonians in LRC especially in a small locality called Nkodjock. Nkodjock is the headquarters of Nkodjock... …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
Is Cameroon hurtling towards civil war? …
#Cameroon#SouthernCameroons#Ambazonia#AnglophoneCrisis#BiyaRegime#humanwrongsThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
2/2 The 18 prisoners are in very bad shape. After being tortured by the
#Cameroon Army and later by the prison wardens for allegedly killing a warden in Muyuka, they were chained, undressed and dumped in the most populous quarter of the prison. They are treated worse than animalsThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
Conflict against
#BokoHaram and crisis in N&S W of#Cameroon fueled-among others-by an entrenched culture of impunity. Justice is needed for hundreds of victims of humanrights violations. Cameroon has 4long allowed perpetrators of gravest crimes to escape justice.This needs 2stopThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Da Bechman Retweeted
#A_14years old boy shot right in front of their door. Stop the#GenocideInSouthernCameroons#Neveragain Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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