Total Persons of Concern JSON  .CSV 
Last updated 24 May 2018
Source - UNHCR 
There is currently no backlog of Syrians awaiting registration. Syrians can now register with UNHCR at its centres in Irbid and Amman upon first contact the same day.

Loading Total Persons of Concern

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Total Persons of Concern","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"subLocationTableType","population_group":["1;24"],"households":"1","limit":"","fromDate":"","color":"#E3685F","frequency":"day","chartType":"spline","async":"1","type":"situation","widget_id":75128,"position":"left","locale":"fr","title":"Total Persons of Concern","subtitle":"","sv_id":4,"geo_id":"36"}]
Refugees from Syria by date JSON  .CSV 

Loading Registered Syrian Refugees

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Registered Syrian Refugees","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"totalPopulationType","population_group":["1;22"],"limit":"","fromDate":"","color":"#3c8dbc","frequency":"day","chartType":"spline","async":"1","type":"situation","widget_id":75130,"position":"left","locale":"fr","title":"Registered Syrian Refugees","subtitle":"","sv_id":4,"geo_id":"36"}]

Loading widgets.population.title


Loading Registered Syrian Refugees by Date

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Registered Syrian Refugees by Date","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"timechartType","population_group":["1;24"],"limit":"","fromDate":"01\/01\/2012","color":"#303030","frequency":"day","chartType":"areaspline","async":"1","enable_json":"1","enable_csv":"1","type":"situation","widget_id":75132,"position":"left","locale":"fr","title":"Registered Syrian Refugees by Date","subtitle":"","sv_id":4,"geo_id":"36"}]
Refugees from Syria (in-camp) JSON 
Last updated 24 May 2018
Source - UNHCR 

Loading Refugees from Syria (in-camp)

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Refugees from Syria (in-camp)","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"demographyChartType","population_group":["1;25"],"limit":"","fromDate":"","color":"#3c8dbc","frequency":"day","chartType":"spline","async":"1","type":"situation","widget_id":75134,"position":"left","locale":"fr","title":"Refugees from Syria (in-camp)","subtitle":"","sv_id":4,"geo_id":"36"}]

Loading Refugees from Syria (out-of-camp)

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Refugees from Syria (out-of-camp)","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"totalPopulationType","population_group":["1;26"],"limit":"","fromDate":"","color":"#9A9A9A","frequency":"day","chartType":"spline","async":"1","type":"situation","widget_id":75135,"position":"left","locale":"fr","title":"Refugees from Syria (out-of-camp)","subtitle":"","sv_id":4,"geo_id":"36"}]

Loading Refugees from Syria (out-of-camp)

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Refugees from Syria (out-of-camp)","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"demographyChartType","population_group":["1;26"],"limit":"","fromDate":"","color":"#9A9A9A","frequency":"day","chartType":"spline","async":"1","type":"situation","widget_id":75136,"position":"left","locale":"fr","title":"Refugees from Syria (out-of-camp)","subtitle":"","sv_id":4,"geo_id":"36"}]
  Latest Documents
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan External Statistical Report on UNHCR Registered Syrians 15 June 2018

    On 15 June there were 666,590 Syrian refugees registered with UNHCR Jordan
    Date de publication: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
    Créé: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan Azraq Camp Factsheet June 2018

    36,699 refugees are currently in the camp, from a total of 40,092 persons of concern registered.
    Date de publication: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
    Créé: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    NGO partners on Innovation Award

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    Date de publication: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
    Créé: 21 June 2018 (il y a 1 jour)
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    Date de publication: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
    Créé: 21 June 2018 (il y a 1 jour)
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    On 15 June there were 751,746 refugees registered with UNHCR in Jordan.
    Date de publication: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
    Créé: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
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    Date de publication: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
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    Date de publication: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
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    Date de publication: 8 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 8 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
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    Date de publication: 8 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 8 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
  • Jordan Humanitarian Fund Allocation Paper - Call for Proposal, Sep 2016

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    Créé: 8 September 2016 (il y a 1 an)
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    Créé: 9 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

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    Date de publication: 9 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 10 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

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    Date de publication: 9 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 10 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

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    Date de publication: 9 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 10 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Syrian Refugees in Jordan- Admin Level 3 - End of March 2018

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    Date de publication: 9 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 10 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

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    Date de publication: 24 April 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 24 April 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    2018 UNHCR-NGO Annual Consultations: Putting People First

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    Date de publication: 12 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 12 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Allocation document-JHF April 2018

    Allocation Strategy Paper Jordan Humanitarian Fund April 2018
    Date de publication: 12 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 12 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Amnesty leaflet_Arabic copy_FINAL - 2

    Date de publication: 5 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 5 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Amnesty poster_Arabic copy_FINAL

    Date de publication: 5 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 5 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan Azraq Camp Factsheet June 2018

    36,699 refugees are currently in the camp, from a total of 40,092 persons of concern registered.
    Date de publication: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
    Créé: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan Factsheet June 2018

    Jordan is one of the countries most affected by the Syria crisis, with the second highest share of refugees compared to its population in the world, 89 refugees per 1,000 inhabitants.
    Date de publication: 19 June 2018 (il y a 3 jours)
    Créé: 19 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Health Analysis Report Rukban Clinic May 2018

    4,225 patients were received at the clinic in the month of May, with 60 referrals to Jordanian hospitals.
    Date de publication: 10 June 2018 (il y a 12 jours)
    Créé: 10 June 2018 (il y a 12 jours)
  • Télécharger

    IRJ - Knowledge Transfer Presentation - HSWG

    Date de publication: 7 June 2018 (il y a 15 jours)
    Créé: 7 June 2018 (il y a 15 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan Cash Assistance Dashboard May 2018

    In May UNHCR Jordan reached 29,890 refugee families, both Syrians and those of other nationalities, distributing a total of $3.9 million.
    Date de publication: 6 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
    Créé: 6 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan External Statistical Report on UNHCR Registered Syrians 15 June 2018

    On 15 June there were 666,590 Syrian refugees registered with UNHCR Jordan
    Date de publication: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
    Créé: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan External Statistical Report on UNHCR Registered All Nationalities 15 June 2018

    On 15 June there were 751,746 refugees registered with UNHCR in Jordan.
    Date de publication: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
    Créé: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
  • MoL/PMU Work Permit Figures as of May 17th 2018

    work permit figures
    Date de publication: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 30 May 2018 (il y a 23 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Update on Zataari Office for Employment (ZOE) statistics/mobility

    update on ZOE
    Date de publication: 19 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 24 April 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Work Permit Figures MoL/PMU as of April 19th 2018

    update on work permit numbers
    Date de publication: 19 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 24 April 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Child Marrige in Jordan HPC 2017

    Child Marrige in Jordan HPC 2017
    Date de publication: 12 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 12 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    2017 FTS_Q4_Protection - Resilience

    Date de publication: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Shelter Sector Gender Analysis (2016)

    Shelter Sector Gender Analysis (2016)
    Date de publication: 13 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 13 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
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    SGBV GapAnalysis 2017 - 2018

    Date de publication: 13 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 13 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
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    Date de publication: 6 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 6 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
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    Progress report cover the first Quarter form 2018
    Date de publication: 6 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
    Créé: 6 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
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    Draft Shelter_Quarterly_Dashbaord _Q1
    Date de publication: 5 June 2018 (il y a 17 jours)
    Créé: 5 June 2018 (il y a 17 jours)
  • Télécharger

    1st Quarter Financial Tracking Sheet- Resilience

    Date de publication: 27 May 2018 (il y a 26 jours)
    Créé: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Télécharger

    1st Quarter Financial Tracking Sheet- Resilience

    Date de publication: 27 May 2018 (il y a 26 jours)
    Créé: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Télécharger

    1st Quarter Financial Tracking Sheet- Refugee

    Date de publication: 27 May 2018 (il y a 26 jours)
    Créé: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Télécharger

    SGBV-Guidance -Safe referrals of SGBV survivors

    SGBV Guidance -
    Date de publication: 10 June 2018 (il y a 12 jours)
    Créé: 10 June 2018 (il y a 12 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Work Permits & Mobility - Flowchart ZOE - Zaatari Camp

    Date de publication: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
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    Work Permits & Mobility - Flowchart ACE - Azraq Camp

    Date de publication: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
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    Ministry of Labour: Work permit extension circular

    Date de publication: 27 May 2018 (il y a 26 jours)
    Créé: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Guidelines for Implementing Cash-for-Work Projects in the Waste Management Sector

    Date de publication: 29 April 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 29 April 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    ESWG- Minutes of Meeting -June 11th

    Minutes of Meeting -June 11th
    Date de publication: 19 June 2018 (il y a 3 jours)
    Créé: 19 June 2018 (il y a 3 jours)
  • Télécharger

    SGBV Minutes of Meeting -May 29th 2018

    Minutes of Meeting -May 29th
    Date de publication: 11 June 2018 (il y a 11 jours)
    Créé: 11 June 2018 (il y a 11 jours)
  • Télécharger

    HSWG Meeting Minutes 31-5

    Minutes of Meeting
    Date de publication: 7 June 2018 (il y a 15 jours)
    Créé: 7 June 2018 (il y a 15 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Minutes_Disability Task Force Meeting_26 April 2018

    Minutes_Disability Task Force Meeting_26 April 2018
    Date de publication: 6 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
    Créé: 6 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
  • Télécharger

    LWG MoM May 17th, 2018

    meeting minutes
    Date de publication: 31 May 2018 (il y a 22 jours)
    Créé: 4 June 2018 (il y a 18 jours)
  • Télécharger

    NGO partners on Innovation Award

    Letter to NGO partners on Innovation Award
    Date de publication: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
    Créé: 21 June 2018 (il y a 1 jour)
  • Télécharger

    Press Release: Opening of the first inclusive community support centre for Jordanians and refugees

    UNHCR and the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Basma bint Talal, officially inaugurated its new inclusive Community Centre in ...
    Date de publication: 4 June 2018 (il y a 18 jours)
    Créé: 5 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Brussels II Conference on 'Supporting the future of Syria and the region': co-chairs declaration

    Brussels II Conference on 'Supporting the future of Syria and the region': co-chairs declaration
    Date de publication: 25 April 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 20 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Brussels II Conference (Brussels II Conference)

    Brussels II Conference (Brussels II Conference)
    Date de publication: 25 April 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 20 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Press Release: Japan announces new funding support to UNHCR to improve Syrian refugees’ wellbeing

    Today the Government of Japan formally announced provision of funding to UNHCR Jordan totaling $3.7 million, to provide assistance to Syrian refugees living in Zaatari and Azraq refugee camps.
    Date de publication: 5 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 5 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Focused Group Discussions awareness sessions on Male Involvement in Reproductive Health Services

    Date de publication: 22 February 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 22 February 2017 (il y a 1 an)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR consultations with refugees – The Jordan Compact, one year later

    Date de publication: 21 February 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 21 February 2017 (il y a 1 an)
  • Télécharger

    Zaatri Health Information System Q1 2018-Narrative Summary

    Date de publication: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
    Créé: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Zaatri Health Information System Q1 2018- Detailed Report

    Date de publication: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
    Créé: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Zaatri Health Information System Q1 2018- Profile Report

    Date de publication: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
    Créé: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan Cash Assistance Post Distribution Monitoring Report 2017

    In 2017, the protracted nature of the crisis, combined with a lack of resettlement opportunities, Jordan's managed border policy, and a war-effected population that was aging resulted in a waiting lis...
    Date de publication: 10 June 2018 (il y a 12 jours)
    Créé: 10 June 2018 (il y a 12 jours)
  • Télécharger

    ILO: Employment Services and Labour Market Policies Under Syrian Refugee Crisis

    policies and data analysis
    Date de publication: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 30 May 2018 (il y a 23 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Child Marrige in Jordan HPC 2017

    Child Marrige in Jordan HPC 2017
    Date de publication: 12 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 12 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Focused Group Discussions awareness sessions on Male Involvement in Reproductive Health Services

    Date de publication: 22 February 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 22 February 2017 (il y a 1 an)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR consultations with refugees – The Jordan Compact, one year later

    Date de publication: 21 February 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 21 February 2017 (il y a 1 an)
  • Télécharger

    3RP Regional Strategic Overview 2018-19

    3RP Regional Strategic Overview 2018-19
    Date de publication: 1 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 1 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    3RP Regional Strategic Overview 2018-2019

    3RP Regional Strategic Overview 2018-2019
    Date de publication: 21 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 21 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    3RP Regional Strategic Overview 2018-2019

    3RP Regional Strategic Overview 2018-2019
    Date de publication: 12 December 2017 (il y a 6 mois)
    Créé: 12 December 2017 (il y a 6 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Jordan Education Sector Working Group Workplan 2016

    Date de publication: 1 November 2017 (il y a 7 mois)
    Créé: 1 November 2017 (il y a 7 mois)
  • Télécharger

    3RP Regional-Strategic Overview 2017-2018 - Arabic

    3RP Regional-Strategic Overview 2017-2018 - Arabic
    Date de publication: 13 February 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 13 February 2017 (il y a 1 an)
  • Télécharger

    Overseas Development Institute: The Jordan Compact - Lessons Learnt and Implications for Future Refugee Compacts

    Date de publication: 11 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 11 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Overseas Development Institute: The Jordan Compact - Lessons Learnt and Implications for Future Refugee Compacts

    Date de publication: 11 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 11 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Announcement: MoL new circular regarding more flexible rules for work permits

    Date de publication: 14 November 2017 (il y a 7 mois)
    Créé: 14 November 2017 (il y a 7 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Announcement: MoL new circular regarding more flexible rules for work permits

    Date de publication: 13 November 2017 (il y a 7 mois)
    Créé: 13 November 2017 (il y a 7 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Announcement: Ministry of Labour new circular regarding more flexible rules for work permits

    Date de publication: 13 November 2017 (il y a 7 mois)
    Créé: 13 November 2017 (il y a 7 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Regional Response - Syrian Refugees 11-17 July

    Inter-Agency Regional Response - Syrian Refugees 11-17 July
    Date de publication: 23 July 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
    Créé: 23 July 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Regional Response - Syrian Refugees 27 June - 3 July

    Inter-Agency Regional Response - Syrian Refugees 27 June - 3 July
    Date de publication: 7 July 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
    Créé: 7 July 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-agency Health and Nutrition Update 9-22 June

    Inter-agency Health and Nutrition Update 9-22 June
    Date de publication: 4 July 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
    Créé: 4 July 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Regional Response - Syrian Refugees 20-26 June

    Inter-Agency Regional Response - Syrian Refugees 20-26 June
    Date de publication: 1 July 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
    Créé: 1 July 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Regional Response - Syrian Refugees 13-19 June

    Inter-Agency Regional Response - Syrian Refugees 13-19 June
    Date de publication: 24 June 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
    Créé: 24 June 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
  • Télécharger

    Zaatri Health Information System Q1 2018-Narrative Summary

    Date de publication: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
    Créé: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Zaatri Health Information System Q1 2018- Detailed Report

    Date de publication: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
    Créé: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Zaatri Health Information System Q1 2018- Profile Report

    Date de publication: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
    Créé: 14 June 2018 (il y a 8 jours)
  • Télécharger

    2018 FTS First Quarter- Basic Needs- REF

    2018 FTS First Quarter- Basic Needs- REF
    Date de publication: 20 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 24 May 2018 (il y a 29 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Basic Needs Sector Quarterly Dashbaord - Quarter 1 - 2018

    Basic Needs_Quarterly_Dashbaord _Q1_Final
    Date de publication: 20 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 20 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan Operational Update February 2018

    Date de publication: 22 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 22 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger


    Date de publication: 13 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 13 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    2017 FTS_Q4_Protection - Refugee

    Date de publication: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    2017 FTS_Q4_Protection - Resilience

    Date de publication: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Basic Needs 4Q 2017 Report

    Date de publication: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 12 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan External Statistical Report on UNHCR Registered All Nationalities 31 May 2018

    As of the end of May, there were 751,275 refugees of nearly 60 nationalities in Jordan.
    Date de publication: 6 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
    Créé: 6 June 2018 (il y a 15 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan External Statistical Report on UNHCR Registered Syrians 31 May 2018

    As of the end of May, there were 666,294 Syrian refugees registered with UNHCR in Jordan.
    Date de publication: 6 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
    Créé: 6 June 2018 (il y a 15 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Daily Statistical Update - 06 Feb

    Daily Statistical Update - 06 Feb
    Date de publication: 6 February 2013 (il y a 5 ans)
    Créé: 6 February 2013 (il y a 5 ans)
  • Télécharger

    Daily Statistical Update - 27 January

    Daily Statistical Update - 27 January
    Date de publication: 27 January 2013 (il y a 5 ans)
    Créé: 27 January 2013 (il y a 5 ans)
  • Télécharger

    Daily Statistical Update - 20 January

    Daily Statistical Update - 20 January
    Date de publication: 20 January 2013 (il y a 5 ans)
    Créé: 20 January 2013 (il y a 5 ans)
  • Télécharger

    Review of the Common Cash Facility program in Jordan

    Review of the Common Cash Facility program in Jordan
    Date de publication: 7 November 2017 (il y a 7 mois)
    Créé: 7 November 2017 (il y a 7 mois)
  • Télécharger

    2017 Inter-Sector Working Group Work Plan

    2017 Inter-Sector Working Group Work Plan
    Date de publication: 12 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 12 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
  • Télécharger

    Health Sector Jordan - Community Health Strategy

    Health Sector Jordan - Community Health Strategy
    Date de publication: 24 April 2014 (il y a 4 ans)
    Créé: 24 April 2014 (il y a 4 ans)
  • Télécharger

    1. RRP6-Objectives

    1. RRP6-Objectives
    Date de publication: 18 September 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
    Créé: 18 September 2013 (il y a 4 ans)
  • Télécharger

    Jordan Refugee Response: Livelihoods Working Group Terms of Reference

    Terms of Reference
    Date de publication: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
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    Inter-Sector Working Group: Work Plan 2018

    Date de publication: 31 January 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 31 January 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
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    2018 Work Plan_Sector Gender Focal Points Network

    Date de publication: 18 January 2018 (il y a 5 mois)
    Créé: 18 January 2018 (il y a 5 mois)
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    Coordination Briefing Kit: November 2017 revision

    Date de publication: 23 November 2017 (il y a 6 mois)
    Créé: 23 November 2017 (il y a 6 mois)
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    Coordination Briefing Kit: October 2017 revision

    Date de publication: 23 November 2017 (il y a 6 mois)
    Créé: 23 November 2017 (il y a 6 mois)
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    The Standards of the Best Interest of the Child - Arabic

    Date de publication: 12 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 12 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
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    The Standards of the Best Interest of the Child - English

    Date de publication: 12 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 12 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • RAIS_Training TOT Guide - Assistance Coordination Winterization PPT

    Date de publication: 1 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 1 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
  • RAIS_Training TOT Guide - Case Search General PPT

    Date de publication: 1 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 1 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
  • RAIS_Assistance Bulk Upload TOT Guide- PPT

    Date de publication: 1 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 1 March 2017 (il y a 1 an)
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    ISWG May 2018 Update

    ISWG May Update
    Date de publication: 20 June 2018 (il y a 2 jours)
    Créé: 21 June 2018 (il y a 1 jour)
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    Jordan ISWG April 2018 Update

    Jordan ISWG April 2018 Update
    Date de publication: 20 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 20 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
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    UNICEF presentation on Hajati project
    Date de publication: 2 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 10 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
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    PSEA Network Jordan Refugee Response - April 2018

    Network on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA Network) -Jordan Refugee Response - April 2018
    Date de publication: 1 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 29 April 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
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    Internship Opportunity (Announcement )

    Announcement from theInter-Agency Coordination and Information Management Unit in Amman, Jordan
    Date de publication: 1 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 18 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
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    2017-3RP-ActivityInfo Step by Step Guide

    Date de publication: 26 October 2016 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 26 October 2016 (il y a 1 an)
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    JORDAN Northern Governorates -Who does What Where - Syrian Refugee Crisis Response 20 March 2013

    JORDAN Northern Governorates -Who does What Where - Syrian Refugee Crisis Response 20 March 2013
    Date de publication: 25 March 2013 (il y a 5 ans)
    Créé: 25 March 2013 (il y a 5 ans)
  • Zaatri Who Does What Where (3D) - December 16, 2012

    Zaatri Who Does What Where (3D) - December 16, 2012
    Date de publication: 18 December 2012 (il y a 5 ans)
    Créé: 18 December 2012 (il y a 5 ans)
  • Syrian Response 3W (Jordan)

    Syrian Response 3W (Jordan)
    Date de publication: 21 September 2012 (il y a 5 ans)
    Créé: 21 September 2012 (il y a 5 ans)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan Zaatari Refugee Camp Factsheet June 2018

    Zaatari is home to 78,804 refugees, nearly 20% are under five years old. Zaatari Camp, close to Jordan’s northern border with Syria has become emblematic of the displacement of Syrians across the Midd...
    Date de publication: 6 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
    Créé: 6 June 2018 (il y a 16 jours)
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    Ministry of Labour circular on free work permits

    Date de publication: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 29 May 2018 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Jordan Refugee Helpline Dashboard April 2018

    Overall, the Helpline saw an increase of 14,158 calls (or 10%) in April compared to the previous month.
    Date de publication: 17 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 17 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
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    Date de publication: 15 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 15 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
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    Health Analysis Report Rukban Clinic March 2018

    4,346 patients received at the clinic in March 2018, with 27 referrals to Jordanian hospitals.
    Date de publication: 16 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 16 April 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Sectorial Working Groups
    Total Persons of Concern

    The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations


    Loading 3RP 2017 Annual Report

    ["featuredDocuments",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"3RP 2017 Annual Report","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","document":"63530","async":"1","type":"situation","widget_id":75141,"position":"right","locale":"fr","title":"3RP 2017 Annual Report","subtitle":"","sv_id":4,"geo_id":"36"}]
    WASH: In May, WASH services were provided to 121,002 Syrian refugees, living in Azraq, Zaatari, and King Abdulla camps and host communities.
    21 Jun 2018
    Shelter: By end of May a total of 3,250 Shelters were upgraded and repaired in Azraq and Zaatari camps.
    21 Jun 2018
    { May Highlights } ------------------ JHF/ OCHA - Eight proposals were received from different national and international organizations, early May the SAG reviewed them all and share sector recommendation with OCHA. OCHA board accepted three proposals including renal dialysis project by QRC, the JPS project to support secondary health care for priority emergency obstetric and neonatal cases and cash for health project by MEDAIR. Nutrition Sub Working Group:  The preparations for the micro-nutrient deficiency survey has finished. The protocol, the questionnaires and the agreements with the IPS are ready.  The survey will include everyone in the country including the refugees in the camps (Zaatari, Azraq and EJC)  Data collection will start in September. Reproductive Health Sub Working Group (RHSWG):  Advocacy efforts to revoke the January 2018 new policy for providing RH services to Syrian refugees continue. The MCH Directorate with the support of the group has succeed in obtaining prime ministry’s approval to exclude preventive RH services to Syrian refugees from the new policy. The decision is subjected to a final approval from Health Insurance Administration in order to be implemented. Mental Health:  MHPSS adopting online 4ws mapping tool, and in contact with MHPSS.NET global network to support implementation of the 4Ws online mapping.  WHO and MoH launched the new updated mental health and substance use Action Plan 2018-2021. Berm Situation:  There is a significant increase in the number of patients during May. The average of patients per day is 230. A total of 30,730 visits to Rukban clinic for medical consultation, management and treatment and 942 cases of admission to Jordan since December, 2016  Upper respiratory tract infections are the most common acute health conditions with 25% of acute consultations being for this reason.  The most prevalent chronic condition is hypertension constituted 29% of all chronic consultations. Zaatari Camp:  The Handover process between IMC and MSF for their location completed. The caravans will be utilized to strengthen the secondary health care system inside the camp by Moroccan field hospital and IMC clinics.  Second round of rodent campaign took place in the camp from May 22nd to June 7th. Health Care providers in the camp were sensitized about the implementation locations, the signs and symptoms of poisoning, and cases to be directed to Moroccan field hospital to be given the antidote.
    14 Jun 2018
    HOPES Scholarship Program for graduate studies funded by the EU “Madad Fund is proud to announce HOPES third scholarships intake for both Syrians and Jordanians. Kindly find below link that shall provide all the needed information, ***For inquiries about the HOPES scholarship, please contact us through:  - E-mail:  - Telephone No: 06 535 8457- 079 289 5125 (from 10:00 am till 3:00 p.m)
    04 Jun 2018
    Jordan Humanitarian Fund JHF/ OCHA Health Sector picked up as one of the priority sector for March call while the sector define its priority under “Projects that support secondary health care for priority cases, such as Basic Emergency Obstetric care and Newborn Care (BEmONC) and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) including supporting priority medical referrals from the borders and camp”. The indicators were: 1. # of deliveries in presence of skilled attendant 2. # of WGBM referred for secondary and tertiary care 3. # of WGBM received cash assistance to access health services Nutrition Sub Working Group: The nutrition working group has finalized the questionnaire of the planned micronutrient survey, data collection phase going to start on September and report will be finalized toward end of the year. Reproductive Health Sub Working Group (RHSWG): • Reproductive health working group has launched sub sector coordination for Azraq Camp, Monthly meetings scheduled staring from May in order to improve level of RH services being provided through different actors in the camp. Azraq Camp: • In order to improve NCD management and decrease number of referrals outside the camp an NCD physician has been recruited to support Village 3. The physician will also support V3 clinic and V5 until another NCD physician placed. Mental Health: • Mental Health Action Plan 2018-2021 has been launched in collaboration between WHO and MoH, the soft copy available on UNHCR web portal. Berm Situation:  There is a significant increase in the number of patients allowed access to the clinic over last weeks. The average of patients per day currently is around 230. Since opening of the clinic A total of 30,730 visits to Rukban clinic for medical consultation, management and treatment and 942 cases of admission to Jordan.
    28 May 2018
    Shelter Sector: by end of April a total of 2,862 shelters were upgraded and repaired in Azraq and Zaatari camps.
    20 May 2018
    Funding Requirements
    Date of Funding Data 31 December 2017 (il y a 5 mois)
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