Operation: Algeria
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2018 planning figures | |
100% | of Sahrawi refugees will have access to primary health care |
100% | of refugee children will be enrolled in primary and secondary education in Tindouf camps |
3,000 | metres of water pipelines will be laid in Tindouf camps to reach the target of an average quantity of 20 litres/person/day |
3,000 | shelters will be provided in Tindouf camps |
300 | Sahrawi refugees will receive entrepreneurship or business training |
200 | Sahrawi refugees will be supported with vocational training |
20 | urban refugees and asylum-seekers will be assisted with a durable solutions in a third country |
2016 year-end results | |
100% | of refugee children in Algiers were supported to afford annual school enrolment fees, transport and school lunch |
90,000 | vulnerable Sahrawi refugees were provided with 18 litres of water per person per day |
32,100 | children in camps near Tindouf were enrolled in primary education |
43 | refugee cases were submitted to resettlement; 16 departed for their resettlement country |
37 | youth, community or business projects (reaching 122 young refugees in total) were supported |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Decrease in
2016 | 99,949 |
2015 | 100,775 |
2014 | 99,005 |

[["Refugees",94232],["Asylum-seekers",5712],["Returned refugees",5]]
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- 2014
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- 2018
Year-end Overview
Working environment
In Algeria, UNHCR, with its partners, provides protection and assistance to 7,000 urban refugees and asylum-seekers and to 90,000 vulnerable refugees from Western Sahara, sheltered in five camps near Tindouf. Limited access outside of the capital Algiers is a major constraint for UNHCR to reach out to people in need of international protection, in the context of mixed migration movements from Sub-Saharan Africa. In Tindouf camps, donor fatigue and dwindling funding levels are directly impacting the delivery of life-saving assistance, including food assistance. Frustration over the lack of opportunities, especially among youth, is a growing concern.
Refugees and asylum-seekers in camps and urban environments are given free access to medical services and education by the authorities. Algeria’s contribution is significant, in particular in the five Sahrawi refugee camps near Tindouf, where authorities allocated land, built roads and provided electricity. Sahrawi students have access to secondary schools outside the camps and all refugees have also access to local auxiliary health care by the Algerian authorities.
UNHCR works closely with its counterparts, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Algeria Red Crescent, on refugee issues and coordinates with the other UN agencies in the United Nations Country Team. Moreover, UNHCR is leading the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) which provides a forum for strategic planning and decision making for all phases of the refugee response and the Inter-Sector Working Group (ISWG) which coordinates assistance activities in different sectors (health, education, WASH, etc.) in Tindouf.
Key priorities
In 2018, UNHCR’s main priorities in Algeria will be:
- To preserve and expand a favourable protection environment, including outside Algiers, and advocate for the adoption of a national asylum law;
- To carry out registration, refugee status determination, assistance to the most vulnerable people, livelihoods opportunities, and resettlement activities for urban refugees;
- To provide life-saving assistance to refugees from Western Sahara, notably by investing in the expansion and improvement of the water network in camps—in particular Smara and Dakhla notably. To expand opportunities for youth, including livelihoods opportunities, entrepreneurship and business training, vocational training, sports equipment, and support to women and youth centers.