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  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 21/10/2022

    People become refugees not by choice but by circumstance.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 20/10/2022

    Put yourself in the shoes of a refugee.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 20/10/2022

    Taking part in sport can be life-changing for refugees. It breaks down barriers, improves physical and mental well-being, and creates friendships. Sport can heal, inspire, bring hope and build solidarity. Sport can bring us together.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 19/10/2022

    No matter the journey ✈️By air 🌊By sea ⛰️By land It is a human right to seek safety

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 19/10/2022

    🇸🇰Každý má právo na kvalitné vzdelanie. Vrátane utečencov. #RightToLearn

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 19/10/2022

    Everyone has the right to a quality education. Refugees included. #RightToLearn

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 18/10/2022

    "The aim is to provide qualified legal aid to #refugees, strengthen policy and legislation, ensuring access to assistance” said Danijela Popovic-Efendic, Head of Office, UNHCR Slovakia as #UNHCR and the Centre for Legal Aid signed an agreement strengthening their partnership.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 18/10/2022

    🇸🇰„Cieľom je poskytnúť kvalifikovanú právnu pomoc #utečencom, posilniť politiky a legislatívu a zabezpečiť prístup k pomoci,“ povedala Danijela Popovic-Efendic, vedúca kancelárie UNHCR na Slovensku po tom, čo #UNHCR a Centrum pre právnu pomoc podpísali dohodu o spolupráci.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 18/10/2022

    Talented Creative Ambitious Refugees have a lot to offer; all they need is an opportunity. Labour mobility programmes give them an equal chance to safely move abroad to work.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 17/10/2022

    From the cradle to the grave. Stateless people may face a lifetime of exclusion. Like you and me, they deserve a chance to say #IBelong.