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  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 24/10/2022

    🇸🇰 21. októbra #UNHCR a ministerstvo školstva zorganizovali v Prešove seminár pre stredoškolských učiteľov s názvom „Výučba o utečencoch“. Jeho cieľom bolo oboznámiť učiteľov s problémami, s ktorými sa stretávajú ukrajinskí utečenci študujúci na slovenských školách.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 24/10/2022

    On 21 October, in Presov, #UNHCR and the Ministry of Education in #Slovakia held a seminar titled “Teaching about Refugees” for secondary school teachers, with the aim of sensitizing the teachers on the issues faced by the #Ukrainian refugee students at schools in 🇸🇰.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 24/10/2022

    Providing refugees with basic stress management techniques can help them stay resilient during difficult times. #mentalhealth

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 23/10/2022

    Refugees are skilled in many different areas. Yet, their talent is often excluded from the international job market. This must change!

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 23/10/2022

    Home. In any language. Every refugee. Deserves one.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 22/10/2022

    People #ForcedToFlee are heavily impacted by food crises, with many of them struggling to feed their families.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 22/10/2022

    Seeking safety isn't a choice. It's a human right.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 21/10/2022

    Nobody should go to bed with an empty stomach. Yet, people forced to flee are heavily impacted by food crises, with many of them struggling to feed their families.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 21/10/2022

    🇸🇰UNHCR a ministerstvo školstva 14. októbra zorganizovali seminár s názvom „Výučba o utečencoch“ pre 24 stredoškolských učiteľov. Jeho cieľom bolo oboznámiť učiteľov s problémami, s ktorými sa stretávajú ukrajinskí utečenci študujúci na slovenských školách.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 21/10/2022

    UNHCR and the Ministry of Education organized a seminar on 14 October titled “Teaching about Refugees” for 24 secondary school teachers, with the aim of sensitizing the teachers on the issues faced by the Ukrainian refugee students at schools in Slovakia 🇸🇰.