Data and analysis
Data and analysis
UNHCR is enhancing the availability and quality of data and evidence on refugees, displaced persons, stateless populations, and host communities to optimize resource distribution and develop evidence-based policies.

Our efforts are concentrated in forced displacement settings with identified knowledge gaps and high demand for data and evidence, supporting effective engagement with government officials and development partners.
Our priorities include:
- Promote the inclusion of forcibly displaced persons in national surveys, including those that measure poverty;
- Generate socioeconomic data and evidence and increase their systemic use to better inform programming, policy and advocacy;
- Leverage data and evidence as entry points to build for more sustainable support to displaced populations;
- Identify critical knowledge gaps and strengthen analytical initiatives with development partners and researchers to fill these gaps for policymaking and programming.

Advancing the collection and use of data to inspire solutions for forced displacement
Latest publications

- Socio-economic evidence in practice in forcibly displaced settings. Vol 1 June 2021: Examples of UNHCR's uses of socioeconomic data to inform evidence-based programming, policy and advocacy – French
- Socio-economic evidence in practice in forcibly displaced settings. Vol 2 June 2022: Examples of uses of socio-economic data in advocacy, policy and programmes
- Using cross-survey imputation to estimate poverty for Venezuelan refugees in Colombia – Working paper
- A critical assessment of the labour-based regularization programme (PEPFF) of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Colombia – Policy brief
- Violence-driven displacement in Mexico: Why including IDPs in national statistics is necessary to inform a protection-based response – Report
- Socioeconomic integration of forcibly displaced populations in Latin America and the Caribbean – Note – Video
- What does the evidence say about IDPs in Colombia? – Evidence bulletin #1 – September 2023
- Impact of Venezuelan flow on Roraima State in Brazil – Implications for public policy
- Integration of Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants in Brazil – Research paper – Blog post – Socioeconomic indicators dashboard (Portuguese)
- Assessment of datasets in Colombia available for research – Data mapping
Asia and the Pacific
- Demographic profile and humanitarian needs of 30,000 refugees relocated to the Bhasan Char island – Demographic study – Livelihoods brief
- The impact of financial assistance through volunteer programmes in Cox's Bazar refugee camps – Research Brief
- Age- and gender-based health risks facing adolescents within Rohingya refugee and Bangladeshi host communities – Policy briefs on health, nutrition, and SRH
- Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh – Innovations in gathering host and refugee evidence from the Rohingya crisis in Cox's Bazar
- Cox's Bazar Panel Survey – A comprehensive, large-sample survey that tracks both host and refugee households over time in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh
East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes
- Livelihoods lost: Findings from two rounds of the Somalia Displacement Phone Survey (2022) – Report
- Refugee struggle, professional downgrading, and skills mismatches in the labour market in Uganda – Research paper
- Improving employment outcomes in Uganda – Summary – Policy brief – Knowledge brief – Blog post
- Supporting the most vulnerable groups in Uganda – Targeting assistance programmes to persons with specific needs and vulnerabilities
- Innovative Microlending in Kenya – Kiva Zip & RefugePoint – Enabling refugee entrepreneurs to become more successful and self-reliant
- A high number of refugees and host members in Kenya cannot see well – Thematic note
- Kenya Analytical Program on Forced Displacement (KAP-FD) – A multi-year undertaking to gather evidence on how refugee and host populations make social and economic decisions and their implications for government, humanitarian, and development policies
- Kalobeyei Settlement in Kenya – Full report – Summary – Infographic – Microdata
- Kakuma Camp in Kenya – Full report – Summary – Infographic – Microdata
- Urban refugees in Kenya – Full report – Summary – Infographic
Comparative analysis of urban and camp-based refugees in Kenya – Full report – Summary – Infographic
Stateless Shona community in Kenya – Full report – Summary – Blog post – Microdata
Summary of sectors, thematic areas, and associated datasets in Rwanda – Data mapping overview
- Impact of housing and employment support for Ukrainian refugees – Analytical brief
Southern Africa
- Graduation programme in Mozambique – Design of impact evaluation: employment, welfare and social integration – Blog post – Impact evaluation: Socioeconomic integration improves when refugees and hosts are more financially secure – Blog post – Video
- Improving welfare and food security through better land productivity – Overview of access to land and its uses by refugees in the Maratane Camp and host communities in Mozambique
West and Central Africa
Reaching the poorest refugees in Niger –Evaluation of food and cash distribution
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The library shares microdata on forcibly displaced and stateless people collected through census, registration/administrative exercises and surveys.
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We work with data and statistics, which help us to understand important information to save, protect and improve lives.
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We are working to enhance the ability of stakeholders to make timely and evidence-informed decisions that improve the lives of affected people.
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This research joint partnership aims to contribute to expanding high-quality and policy-relevant research on forced displacement.