Strategic Advisory Group

The Strategic Advisory Group is the main body for the strategic governance of the Global Protection Cluster representing its broad membership. The SAG embodies a culture of shared and collective leadership and accountability, and ensures the inclusive, participatory, and accountable governance of the GPC, under the overall leadership of the GPC Coordinator. The SAG is chaired by the GPC Coordinator and a NGO co-chair elected by the NGOs from the SAG for a 2-year mandate.

The SAG fulfils two critical functions:

  1. Providing strategic direction and advice 
  2. Monitoring the implementation of the GPC strategic framework and annual work plan

The membership of the SAG is intended to represent the overall membership of the cluster, leveraging field and global expertise of  protection partners.

The SAG is composed of 26 members. It includes 7 permanent members as follow: GPC Coordinator, NGO Co-chair, 4 AoR Coordinators, UNHCR as Cluster Lead Agency. The SAG also includes 19 non-permanent members consisting of: 8 UN Agencies, 8 NGOs and 3 Networks. 

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has a standing invitation to the SAG as observer. The SAG will be supported by a secretariat composed of the Deputy GPC Coordinator and a Rapporteur from the Operations Cell. 

Download the Terms of Reference

Permanent Members




UN Agencies




Non-governmental organisations





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