This compilation of basic protection and protection-related documents has been developed on the request of, and to benefit newly recruited UNHCR staff (including JPOs) as well as deployees and UNVs working with UNHCR. The compilation brings together key documents that all staff who are undertaking protection activities on behalf of UNHCR should be familiar with. Given the nature of the compilation, it may also be of value to members of civil society (e.g.: NGOs, lawyers, academics, students) who wish to enhance their understanding of UNHCR and its protection mandate.
While this compilation provides a helpful starting point and will be updated periodically, colleagues are encouraged to use the extensive electronic Refworld collection when addressing country and/or thematic issues in their work.
There are four mandatory computer-based training programmes that all staff - including JPOs, UNVs, deployees, consultants and interns - are required to undertake. They are currently available on the UNHCR Intranet or on a CD upon request. They are listed below for reference purposes:
UNHCR's self-study modules have been designed to benefit all UNHCR staff, partners and other members of civil society. They are also frequently referred to by colleagues designing protection training workshops for a wide range of audiences:
The various protection learning programmes consist of a self-study phase, a workshop and a post-workshop phase. They are offered by UNHCR on a regional basis for UNHCR staff and partners who are working on the respective thematic issues. They are listed below for reference purposes: