In Numbers
1.58 million people in acute food insecurity in southwestern Angola
US$ 7.1 million six-month (February 2023 – July 2023) funding shortfall
24,602 people received assistance in January 2023, including commodity vouchers, nutrition supplements, school meals and in-kind food assistance
152,897 USD transferred to beneficiaries through commodity vouchers
Operational Updates
Crisis Response
Drought Response in Huila and Cunene provinces
• WFP expanded its nutrition programme to the province of Cunene where 10 community health agents were trained in January 2023. Currently, community management of the acute malnutrition programme cover the provinces of Huila and Cunene and another programme is to start in Namibe in the coming months.
• More than 4,800 children received Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food in January to treat moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) in Huila and Cunene provinces.
• In total, more than 78,000 children were screened since the beginning of the lean season in October 2022, and more than 6,300 were diagnosed with MAM and admitted into the WFP programme. Approximately, 30 MT of Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food has been distributed.
• In all the targeted municipalities, the recovery rate has been higher than 75 percent.
• WFP continued the distribution of commodity vouchers in Huila province to the families of malnourished children. A total of 16,415 people were assisted in January, and 272 MT of maize meal, beans, vegetable oil and salt were distributed by the retailers.
• A total of 1,693 school children received meals in January in Huila province. While the lack of conditions for the preparation of meals in many schools continues to be the main challenge, WFP plans to start distributions of take-home rations in February 2023 to ensure that all the targeted schools receive assistance.