Estonian contributions to UNHCR
Estonia is a reliable partner to UNHCR, and donor to several refugee situations, such as Ukraine and the Rohingya situation. In 2021, Estonia provided UNHCR with a total of USD 696,000 in financial contributions.
In 2020, Estonia provided UNHCR with USD 696,000, of which over USD 119,000 was unearmarked.
Key facts about Estonia as a donor:
Estonia is a strong partner to UNHCR and has provided donations since 2008.
- In 2020, Estonia provided USD 163,000 for UNHCR’s coronavirus emergency needs.
- Estonia provided important funding to the situations in Myanmar and Syria.
- Between 2018 and 2021, Estonia contributed over USD 900,000 to UNHCR’s Ukraine operation. Estonian funding continues to help strengthen the response in Ukraine to make sure the country’s vulnerable internally displaced population get the assistance they need.
- At the Global Refugee Forum, Estonia pledged to increase its support to UNHCR on digital identification.Estonia is a strong partner to UNHCR and has provided donations since 2008.
For more information on Estonian, and Nordic and Baltic funding, follow us on Twitter.
Read more about the impact of Estonia’s contributions
Strong and timely support to UNHCR has helped millions of displaced Ukrainians
The Nordic and Baltic countries responded fast in providing support, allowing UNHCR to provide both immediate and longer-term response to people fleeing the war in Ukraine.
Nordic and Baltic funding provided warmth for Syrian refugees during freezing winter
Vital contributions from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway and Sweden helped UNHCR ensure winter assistance to Syrian refugees in Jordan and other countries in the region.
Through computerisation, UNHCR helps increase access to health services along the contact line in eastern Ukraine
Thanks to funding from Estonia, UNHCR delivers laptops to health centres.