CCCM Rapid Response Team (RRT) : Members of the CCCM Rapid Response Team can be deployed at short notice to support operations requiring CCCM expertise, trainings, strategy development or any other need for short to medium length missions. All costs are borne by the Global Cluster.
CCCM diagnostic and support missions: The Global CCCM Cluster, on request by the field or by its own appraisal of CCCM needs, may undertake; diagnostic missions to appraise the situation, identify areas in need of support and propose appropriate action; or technical support missions in response to an already identified or existing technical issue by the field and recommend action. In either situation, the support can take a strategic or operational shape depending on the needs on the ground.
Guidance and tools: Rapid field technical support is remotely available daily through telephone and email. Field operations and others in urgent need of support can directly call the CCCM team at IOM and UNHCR offices for immediate support. CCCM also develops and disseminates tools to field operations, partners and donors.
Capacity Building: Since 2010, CCCM Cluster has placed a great emphasis on capacity development. Newly revising the global CCCM training package, mainstreaming GBV risk prevention and mitigation is one way that Camp Management as a technical sector strives to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes of those working in displacement sites. As CCCM practitioners’ learning needs continue to evolve, the Cluster will be striving to keep up with the need for practical tools and strengthen technical guidance
Area-based Approach Working Group
The Global CCCM Cluster has explicitly incorporated area-based approaches and response into its Global Cluster Strategy 2017/21 and the participants of the 2017 Global Retreat recommended the creation of an area-based Working Group. The Working Group is formed by CCCM practitioners working in CCCM responses and members of the CCCM Goal Steering and advisory group (SAG). The working group aims to contribute to the wider humanitarian discourse and to develop tools, guidance and create a platform for engagement and sharing of learnings for CCCM practitioners, humanitarian and interested actors.
The Working Group is chaired by Giovanna Federici - and Annika Grafweg -
For more details, documents and the working group's meeting schedule, visit the link below:
Participation in Displacement Working Group
Although women and children often form most displaced populations living in camps or camp-like settings, their needs are not always well-represented in camp governance structures. Furthermore, persons with disabilities in displacement contexts still find themselves on the edge of society and are often stigmatized, marginalized or even live completely in hiding. Hence, community engagement with these and other vulnerable groups within camp communities require targeted and appropriate approaches with a focus on developing capacities of field teams. Ensuring meaningful participation of all groups of a displaced population in decision making processes in camp governance structures is therefore an essential pillar of good camp management. Only when all groups’ voices are heard and considered, the assistance provided to them will be given considering these needs, capacities and expectations.
The Working Group is chaired by Marjolein Roelandt - and Giovanna Federici -
For more details, documents and the working group's meeting schedule, visit the link below:
Capacity Development Working Group
The aim of the Capacity Development Working Group is to exchange views on adapting, delivering and improving operational capacity in CCCM according to the Global CCCM Cluster mandate and 2017-2021strategy which prioritizes the predictable, timely, effective and quality management and coordination of camps and camp-like settings in response to humanitarian crises. .
The objective of the Capacity Development working group (CDWG) is to provide exchange between trainers on learning needs, best approaches, new resources and tested methods with focus on strengthening CCCM operational capacity, coordination and tools. In addition the CDWG will be a forum for driving the CCCM Cluster to develop new capacity building initiatives, exchange information and knowledge in the area of CCCM learning initiatives.
The Working Group is chaired by Madeline GREEN-ARMYTAGE -
For more details, documents and the working group's meeting schedule, visit the link below:
Camp Management Standards Working Group
Given the need for camp management in displacement settings around the world, the CCCM Cluster has set out to develop a series of Camp Management standards - a distillation of the growing body of updated tools and guidance on CCCM and its various thematic areas, in an attempt to translate the best practice in managing camps into a series of minimum standards for delivering camp management.
The development of CM standards is based on the premise that the right to life of individuals affected by humanitarian crisis can be expressed as the obligation to maximize their ability to access protection, services, and assistance through the vehicle of effective camp management. Effective and protective camp management depends on meaningful participation and legitimate governance; can enable services and assistance to be mobilized and ensure accessibility; and minimize and mitigate the risk of violence and facilitate meaningful and durable solutions.
Working group chaired by Jennifer Cline Kvernmo and Thomas Stork
For more details, documents and the working group's meeting schedule, visit the link below:
Connectivity, Sustainability and Clean Energy Working Group
This is the newest CCCM Cluster working group, having following the 2020 CCCM Annual Meeting
The Working Group is chaired by Jørn-Casper Øwre - James Mwangi - and Brian Mc Donald -
For more details, documents and the working group's meeting schedule, visit the link below: