Last Updated
16 Jul 2021

Given the need for camp management in displacement settings around the world, the CCCM Cluster in 2017 set out to develop a series of Camp Management standards - a distillation of the growing body of updated tools and guidance on CCCM and its various thematic areas, in an attempt to translate the best practice in managing camps into a series of minimum standards for delivering camp management.

The development of CM standards is based on the premise that the right to life of individuals affected by humanitarian crisis can be expressed as the obligation to maximize their ability to access protection, services, and assistance through the vehicle of effective camp management. Effective and protective camp management depends on meaningful participation and legitimate governance; can enable services and assistance to be mobilized and ensure accessibility; and minimize and mitigate the risk of violence and facilitate meaningful and durable solutions.

Members of the CMS-WG meet every other month. The work plan for 2021 will provide support to the field testing processes and assist in the dissemination and official launch.

Working group chaired by Jennifer Cline Kvernmo and Thomas Stork

The first edition of the Minimum Standards is available here:


Dyslectic font of the Minimum Standards to support those with reading difficulties is also available here: