GPC-Workplan 2020-2021


Over the last months the GPC conducted a mini-reform to ensure collective leadership and strong engagement and participation of its members in field support, which included establishment of the new Strategic Advisory Group, launch of a 2020-2024 Strategic Framework: Protection in a Climate of Change and a GPC Collective work plan.

The GPC Strategic Framework identifies strategic priorities to make the GPC and National Clusters fit for purpose in a rapidly changing and increasingly challenging global operational context in armed conflicts, disaster, and health emergencies. The new working model leverages the collective resources and expertise of the GPC members (humanitarian and development NGOs and UN Agencies), enhance its field coordination and operational resources and capacities, strengthen its collective efforts to shape policy debates on the future of humanitarian coordination and action, and ensure that Protection continues to play a central role in humanitarian, development and peace action in coming years.

The 2020-2021 workplan of GPC is an innovative, collectively-owned, operational and field oriented plan to move forward on the GPC strategic framework. It identifies activities covering all five strategic priorities to be undertaken. These activities are designed to enhance the effectiveness of protection response in 32 field operations and beyond through global action and provision of direct support to field clusters and their operational partners. It is larger than previous request as for the first time it represents the financial requirements from the GPC Ops Cells, part of the four Areas of Responsibility requirements – Gender-Based Violence, Child Protection, Housing, Land, and Property, and Mine Action, six GPC working groups and task teams, and the UN and NGO members of the GPC to achieve the collectively identified priorities.

The total funding requirement for the 2020-2021 workplan is about 30 million USD, of which about half is already funded – notwithstanding additional funding in the pipeline for field projects in the workplan.

GPC Workplan 2020-2021

GPC Workplan – Briefing Note