July 2021
1. Since end of last year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 1,312,071 internally displaced people by the 30th of June 2021 (22% increase).
2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, each of them with 36 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (8 %), the Est (8 %) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (3%). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions of the country, like Centre-Est (2 %) et Hauts Bassins (2 %).
- 17 Partenaires
- $59.5 M (17%) Financement requis
- 0.2 M / 93 121 / 11 678 people in need / targeted / reached (HH)