Burkina Faso

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Displaced households in Wendou, Dori. Photo: Shelter Cluster BF, 2020.


1. Since end of last year year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 779.741 internally displaced people by the end of February 2020. 2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, with respectively 49.4 % and 36.3 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (6.7%), the Est (2.4%) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (1.5 %). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions  of the country.

3. In January, a “Housing, Land and Property” sub cluster has been activated within the Protection cluster, which will help to understand the traditional customs and the legal aspects of land practices in Burkina.

Coverage against targets (HH)

Need analysis

According to CONASUR, the percentage of people hosted is decreasing compared to previous stages of the emergency. Other shelter solutions are being explored as renting, which is the situation of around 30% (1)  of the total registered internally displaced people. However, the lack of regular incomes challenges the durability of this option for an important part of the population.

Overcrowding and lack of access to basic services remains as a key worry, for all kinds of shelter situations. In urban areas the planning of new settlements is becoming a strong priority to guarantee this access and prevent the deterioration of living conditions.

(1) Source: CONASUR, February 29, 2020


At this moment, among 17 partners, only 9 are really operational in the shelter response,  with a majority intervening in the Centre-Nord region.

Different shelter solutions are being implemented within the cluster to address various needs, taking into consideration local customs. Within a TWiG, the composition of a “minimum” shelter kit has been defined and the content of two NFI kits harmonized: one complete NFI kit and another minimum kit, addressing only the minimum standards.

The coordination with the Wash Cluster has been reinforced with the aim to better interlink both responses. The activation of Housing, Land and Property rights sub cluster under the Protection Cluster is perceived as an important asset by Shelter partners, to help them to deal with land tenure issues.

Gaps / challenges

The shelter response remains weak against increasing needs and delayed in relation to the NFI response. During the two first month of 2020, around 300 households only have benefitted from an assistance and the shelter stocks available remain critically weak. Several humanitarian partners are waiting for funding.  Over the same period, NFI response reached approximatively 1.600 households.

Geographical coverage is also challenging due to the difficulties in access in some areas in the region most affected by the attacks. Inadequacy of detailed information about the population’s shelter needs and their dynamics also contributes of the complexity of the response.

Population is experiencing multiple displacement and already there have been experiences of beneficiaries of emergency shelters that had to dismantle, transport and reinstall the shelter in a safer area.