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July 2021
UNHCR, 2021


  • By the end of July 2021, the Shelter, Energy and NFI Cluster reached 310,903 beneficiaries through partner organisations. Activities covered 14 states and Capital District.  248 street solar lamps, 32 electric systems and 87 Refugee Housing Units have been installed to support institutions and communities, and 5,786 solar lamps, 960 habitat kits, 1193 family kits and 123 individual kits have been delivered to support the most vulnerable population.
  • In early July, clashes between armed groups and police and military forces were reported in Cota 905 sector, affecting neighboring communities and 9 parishes of Distrito Capital. Situations of violence generated the displacement of people, NGOs identified specific needs related with basic NFI (mattresses, pillows, blankets, clothing) and the support of temporary shelter specially for displaced youth from the area.
  • During the reporting period, floods and overflowing continued to affect prioritized states such as Apure, Bolívar, Zulia and including Distrito Capital. Partial and total damage to homes, community spaces, principal roads, and the loss of basic NFI have been reported as the main consequences of heavy rains.
  • In Táchira state (border with Colombia), compared to previous months, an increase in the flows of people leaving Venezuela (caminantes) and a decrease in returns were reported. Assistance to people on the move with basic NFI and other services at “attention points”, located on the main routes, continues to be a priority.
  • At the end of July, Government confirmed the first two cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19, and it is expected an increase in positive cases during next months. During the month the restrictions were maintained every other week (7+7 scheme), however, authorities have announced possible flexibilization despite the identification of Delta variant.
  • During a meeting between the Shelter, Energy and NFI Cluster and Ministry of Health (MPPS by its Spanish acronym), specific needs were identified to support the massive vaccination plan against COVID-19. Possible support to MPPS would include installation of RHU as vaccination points and improvements in temporary shelter arrangements for patients associated with the increase in COVID-19 cases due the new Delta variant.

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Coordination Team