Syria Hub

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June 2021
Left: Hygiene kit Distribution in Rural Damascus - Sabina, credit: ZOA., Rehabilitation of partially damaged apartments June 2021 credit: DRC Homs, Jab Aljendaly.




  • 2021 HNO: 5.88 million people are in need for shelter support across the county, out of which, 2.9 million are within the coverage of the Syria Hub. Two thirds of the people in need have shelter severity scores of 3 or above.
  • 2022 HNO: The Shelter & NFI sectors have completed the analysis plan and associated questionnaire which forms part of the MSNA. A total of 7 questions (and associated indicators) are designed to identify shelter needs in terms of shelter type, form of occupancy, damage level, adequacy, and privacy.

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  • 2021 HNO: 13.4 million people are estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance with 2.6 million people in need of NFI support, a 4.5% increase from 2020.
  • 2022 HNO: The Shelter & NFI sectors completed the analysis plan and associated questionnaire which forms part of the MSNA. One key indicator has been included for NFI to measure the availability and affordability of NFI items.


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Coordination Team