South Sudan

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< Nov 2020
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The beneficiaries queuing during the registration prior to the distribution of the S-NFI in Akobo County. ©CIDO 2021


  • In 2021, the cluster identified about 2 million of South Sudanese are in needs of the Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (ES-NFIs) assistance. Of this, the Cluster targeted about 1.1 million of most vulnerable populations will receive ES-NFI assistance, through in-kind distribution, cash/voucher Assistance (CVA), and/or integrated settlement programming. This includes the newly displaced population, protracted displacements, returnees, and host communities who affected by the conflict, sub-national violence, and the flood. The Cluster has requested about USD 32.9 million of funds to be able to assist these populations.
  • Armed clashes, cattle raids and fighting between youth groups were the main drivers of new humanitarian needs in Jonglei, Lakes, and Warrap States. The fighting prevented civilians from undertaking their livelihood activities. The continued fighting amongst these youth groups in the flood-affected population in Pibor County in Jonglei State made the displaced populations become more vulnerable.



Need analysis

  • In 2021, the cluster identified about 2 million of South Sudanese are in needs of the Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (ES-NFIs) assistance. Of this, the Cluster targeted about 1.1 million of most vulnerable populations will receive ES-NFI assistance, through in-kind distribution, cash/voucher Assistance (CVA), and/or integrated settlement programming. This includes the newly displaced population, protracted displacements, returnees, and host communities who affected by the conflict, sub-national violence, and the flood. The Cluster has requested about USD 32.9 million of funds to be able to assist these populations.
  • Armed clashes, cattle raids and fighting between youth groups were the main drivers of new humanitarian needs in Jonglei, Lakes, and Warrap States. The fighting prevented civilians from undertaking their livelihood activities. The continued fighting amongst these youth groups in the flood-affected population in Pibor County in Jonglei State made the displaced populations become more vulnerable.


  • During the first quarter of the 2021, the cluster’s partners assisted 249,735 individuals (214,516 individuals with NFI and 238,282 individuals with shelter assistance) representing 23 per cent of Humanitarian Response Plan target in 2020.
  • In areas where the security was more stable and markets were functioning, partners are commenced the cash/voucher assistance (CVA) programming targeting a small number of populations. During the reporting period, three CVA projects completed reaching 3,475 individuals. 
  • During the reporting period, the core pipeline released and transported 693 MT of stocks from its warehouses for distribution by the partners to meet the needs of the affected populations.

Gaps / challenges

  • Road access to some key locations where the displaced population residing is remain challenging, it left no options rather than use the air transport to be able to reach these populations. The cluster’s pipeline team maximize the use of dry season to preposition the S-NFI items to its key warehouses.
  • Limited financial, logistical and human resources relatives to the high needs and difficult operating environment in South Sudan continue to limit the amount of assistance provided.