Indonesia: Tsunami/Earthquakes - Sep 2018
Disaster description
Sets of earthquakes have struck off Donggala Region, province of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia from 14:00h West Indonesia local time with the strongest magnitude of 7.4 at 17:02h, on Friday, 28 September 2018 and continued with 76 aftershocks ranging from magnitudes of 2.9 to 6.3 afterwards...Initial report from national disaster management agency’s (BNPB) indicates that 384 people died..., 29 people reported missing in Pantoloan Induk Palo, 540 injured and thousands of houses and infrastructure damaged in Palu. (IFRC, 29 Sep 2018)
As of 1 October, 844 people are known to have died and more than 600 people are severely injured. There are currently more than 48,000 displaced people staying in over 200 sites...The Government of Indonesia welcomed specific offers of international assistance that are in line with identified humanitarian needs on the ground. (OCHA, 1 Oct 2018)
Initial reports (as at 3 October, 1300 hrs Jakarta time) BNPB has confirmed 1,234 fatalities with over 632 injuries, 99 missing persons, 152 are requiring immediately rescue efforts. There are currently over 61,867 evacuees being housed in 109 evacuation sites. (AHA Centre, 2 Oct 2018)
As at 4 October, 1300 hrs local time, BNPB confirmed 1,424 fatalities with over 2,549 injuries, 113 missing persons, 152 are requiring immediately rescue efforts. There are currently over 70,821 evacuees being housed in 141 evacuation sites. In addition, 66,238 houses damaged, with 99.2% (65,733) of them located in Central Sulawesi Province...As at 4 October 2018, Government of Indonesia had received offers of assistance from 29 countries, of which 17 countries offered a concrete type of assistance and match the prioritised support. (AHA Centre, 4 Oct 2018)
One week after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi, the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) launched a Response Plan, seeking $50.5 million for immediate relief activities...The Central Emergency Response Fund has already allocated $15 million to support the activities included in the Response Plan, and will fund projects in logistics, water and sanitation, camp management, health, shelter, protection, and food security and livelihoods. (UN Resident Coordinator, 5 Oct 2018)
As of 12 October, more than 2,000 people are known to have died and 680 people are still missing following the earthquake and tsunami in central Sulawesi on 28 September. A further 100,000 people have been displaced, including more than 18,000 people who have left Palu, while almost 80,000 people are living in displacement camps. Search and rescue operations ended on 12 October, while the emergency response period has been extended for two weeks until 26 October. (OCHA, 15 Oct 2018)
Around 35,000 families whose houses have been severely damaged need emergency shelter support for a short term. More recent assessment data suggest that the figures may be higher. Thousands of families have lost their homes or sought refuge in safer areas. Initial estimates of the number of people displaced by the disaster stood at around 80,000, but ongoing assessments point to a significantly higher number (UNICEF, 23 Oct 2018).
On 21 October 2018, heavy rains triggered flashfloods in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi Province. These floods occur in the midst of the emergency response to the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction, and where 220,000 people remain displaced. As of 19 October, more than 2,100 people have died and 680 remain missing following the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction. An estimated 680,000 houses have been damaged, including many that have been destroyed. (OCHA, 22 Oct 2018)
Most of the health services system in Palu, Donggala and Sigi are operational, moreover, the direction from the central government is to strengthen the primary health care facilities. Emergency Medical Team (EMTs)need to attach with the PHC (primary health care centers) and DHO with PHC coordinate the EMT type-1 mobile to extend the outreach of health services to IDP camp (WHO, 26 Oct 2018)
Following the 28 September earthquake in Central Sulawesi, and the resulting tsunami, liquefaction and landslides, nearly 2,100 people are known to have died, with over 1,000 still missing. According to the first round of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), more than 211,000 displaced people are staying in 980 sites across the three districts of Palu, Donggala and Sigi. Distribution of shelter items is underway, with TNI and IOM assisting with setting up tents for the displaced in all districts. Thousands of people are also believed to have left Sulawesi or found refuge with host families. (OCHA, 29 Oct 2018)
Around 35,000 families whose houses have been damaged need emergency shelter support for a shorter term. More detailed assessments will have to further confirm these estimates. Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) puts the total cost of material damages at USD 910 million.1 As per latest figures released by BNPB2 , as at 25 October, 2,081 people are known to have died. A further 4,438 people have suffered major injuries. At least 1,309 people have been reported missing. Over 68,000 houses have been damaged. Some 206,494 people have been displaced and are staying in settlements across Central Sulawesi (IFRC, 01 Nov 2018).
As of 6 November, 2,087 are confirmed as dead with another 1,084 still missing. More than 211,000 are displaced across Central Sulawesi, while many others have left the province or are staying with host families. The government-led response continues to cover humanitarian needs while transitioning into the recovery and reconstruction phase. The HCT’s Response Plan, requesting US$ 50.5 million to provide assistance to 191,000 people, is funded at 26 per cent. (OCHA, 12 Nov 2018)
As of 16 November, more than six weeks after the disaster, many needs remain. Priorities include logistics and economic recovery, medical assistance, clean water, sanitation and hygiene, recovery of infrastructure and public services, shelter, protection, including women’s and children’s protection, and education. Humanitarian response has made significant progress in reaching and serving the people in need of assistance. Regional and international agencies continue to support national efforts and leadership. NGOs, the Red Cross and the UN are on the ground augmenting the national response. (IFRC, 16 Nov 2018)
As of 5 December, more than 2,100 died in the disaster and a further 1,300 people are still missing. More than 4,400 have been seriously injured and more than 67,000 houses have been severely damaged or destroyed by the earthquake, tsunami or liquefaction, leaving over 133,000 people still displaced by the disaster and are staying in displacement sites with limited access to life-saving services. The official emergency response period in Central Sulawesi ended on 26 October. While the Government-led response is now transitioning into the recovery and reconstruction phase, the focus will also simultaneously continue covering humanitarian needs and addressing complex challenges. (IFRC, 12 Dec 2018)
As of 9 December, estimates suggest around 80,000 people from Palu have left the affected areas. Many IDP sites still have inadequate shelter, limited access to latrines and water and insufficient lighting, causing protection concerns. Sanitary conditions have significantly deteriorated since the onset of the disaster, with diarrhoea and skin infections on the rise, and increased risk of communicable diseases and malaria. (UNICEF, 9 Dec 2018)
Agencies supporting Government-led coordination are establishing a joint secretariat, which will continue to support Government-led coordination after the transition to recovery phase on 25 December. UNDP will provide coordination leadership as co-lead of the early recovery cluster. The local government is to lead recovery and reconstruction efforts with continued national level support from BNPB, key line ministries and member agencies of the early recovery cluster. (HCT Indonesia, 10 Dec 2018)
As of 14 January 2019, more than 133,000 people remain displaced across Central Sulawesi. While thousands more left the province or found refuge with host families, increasing numbers of these people are returning to Central Sulawesi. The Governor of Central Sulawesi has extended the emergency transition to recovery phase in the province until 23 February. The total funding needed for rehabilitation and reconstruction stands at IDR 22.8 trillion (US$1.6 billion). (OCHA, 14 Jan 2019)
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