
WHO Indonesia: Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami Situation Report #10



  • The Government of Indonesia has ended emergency response period on 26 October 2018 and currently enter the emergency transition period.

  • Forty five healthcare facilities are affected, with nine health facilities severely damaged

  • During period 4-23 October 2018, reported from Palu, Donggala and Sigi, most cases are Acute respiratory infection (ARI), diarrhea, skin diseases, hypertension, diabetes and injury.

  • Seven dedicated tents providing emergency reproductive health care have been established and are operational, providing ante- and post- natal care, emergency obstetric services, Antiretroviral (ARV) treatment for HIV positive people, and dedicated services for young people.

  • During 16-24 October 2018, 3 412 children aged between 9 months to 15 years have been vaccinated against measles and rubella under MR campaign in Donggala (758), Palu (2 371) and Sigi (283).

  • WHO facilitates procurement of insecticides, mist-blowers, fogging machines, larvacide, mosquitoes repellents for vector control requested by MoH.

  • WHO produced a situation analysis for Central Sulawesi earthquake. The document is available here:


  • A 7.7 magnitude earthquake and its aftershocks, tsunami, and subsequent liquefaction and landslides have severely affected Donggala, Palu municipality, Sigi and Parigi Mountong Central Sulawesi. Electricity, communication and accessibility have improved.

  • To date, 2 105 deaths, 4612 severely injured and 680 missing persons are recorded. There are currently 222 986 displaced people and 68,451 houses damaged reported.

  • Forty five healthcare facilities are affected, with nine health facilities severely damaged.

  • Up to date, MoH, PHO in collaboration with health polytechnic, public health laboratory (BTKL Makasar) and water supply company (PDAM) have conducted around 50 water qualities testing from IDP camps and hospitals. The water quality testing is still ongoing.