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Les appels d’offres seront publiées ci-dessous.
Le HCR aide et protège les gens vulnérables partout dans le monde à différents endroits sous différentes circonstances. C’est pour cela que nous avons constamment besoin de fournisseurs pour livrer des marchandises ou fournir des services, allant de camions jusqu’à des aiguilles et du fil. Le HCR fait également appel à des consultants et aux entreprises spécialisées ainsi que leur personnel pour des projets bien particuliers.
Vous pouvez également nous contacter via le Global Service Center du HCR à Budapest.
UNHCR wishes to announce two Requests for Proposals (RFP) in the area of education.
(Submission deadline: 13 November 2020 – 23:59 hrs CET).
We invite interested bidders to read carefully the Terms of Reference in Annex A of the RFP in which they are interested).
Bid proposals should be done only in the form of the attached annexes.
Only offers sent to the email: [email protected] by the submission deadline will be taken into consideration.
1-RFP/BEL/2020/002 for the production of UNHCR educational graphic novel
ANNEX A – ToR creation of an educational graphic novel
ANNEX B – Technical Offer Form- graphic novel
ANNEX C – Financial Offer Form – graphic novel
ANNEX D – Vendor Registration Form
ANNEX E – UNHCR General Conditions – Services
ANNEX F – UN Supplier Code of Conduct
2-RFP/BEL/2020/003 for the creation of UNHCR educational video game
ANNEX A – ToR creation of an educational video game
ANNEX B – Technical Offer Form – educational video game
ANNEX C – Financial Offer Form – educational video game
ANNEX D – Vendor Registration Form
ANNEX E- UNHCR General Conditions – Services
ANNEX F – UN Supplier Code of Conduct