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Loading 3RP 2017 Annual Report
"On the occasion of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, the SGBV SWG organized a joint art event in collaboration with the Greater Amman Municipality under the national theme "Break the silence on Economic violence". Over 400 participants attended the event including the general public, donor agencies, humanitarian and development actors, beneficiaries of the programs and refugee volunteers. The joint event was opened by the Resident Coordinator and the Swedish ambassador and included different art activities organized by groups of Jordanian, Syrian, Yemeni and Sudanese artists showcasing the negative consequences of economic violence and women's resilience and empowerment, such as:graffiti, theatre plays, traditional dance, rap songs, art exhibition displaying more than 50 photographs and paintings related to economic violence done by women refugees and youth. Moreover, the event also provided two awareness-raising sessions, six video screenings on topics related to economic violence, a “freeze mob”, debate, storytelling, and handicrafts made by women refugees of different nationalities. Moreover the SGBV SWG designed a calendar collecting all activities happening during the 16 days campaign period. 24 organizations organized more than 200 activities and events covering all the 12 Jordanian governorates across the country and in four refugee camps (Zaatari, Azraq, EJC and KAP). Examples of activities included tv shows, workshops, awareness sessions and trainings on economic violence-related topics and women empowerment, art and photo exhibitions and film screenings and bazaars among others. The SGBV SWG developed key messages under four main topics related to economic violence in Jordan aligned with JNCW’s study results and in consultation with Syrian refugees on the main types of economic violence they face in their daily lives." | |
22 Jan 2020 | |
In July 2019, the GBV Working Group focused on risk mitigation intervention with the support of UNFPA GBVIE specialist from the roving team. The main purpose of the intervention is to assist humanitarian actors and communities in Jordan to coordinate, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate essential actions for the prevention and mitigation of GBV across selected sectors of humanitarian response to the Syria crisis. Because of the protracted crisis and the need to strengthen resilience and national capacity this initiative aims as well at involving for the first time relevant Ministries. The intervention included meetings with key stakeholders included a workshop with sector leads and a training. The training based on GBV guidelines for integrating GBV interventions in humanitarian settings targeted twenty nine participants (8 males and 21 females) nominated by sector leads of the following seven sectors: WASH, livelihood, shelter, Protection and Child Protection, Basic Needs and Education. The sectors produced plan of action that sectors will be implementing in one year time. Moreover a safe referral Training of Trainers was conducted to create a cadre of trainers to train frontline workers on how to receive disclosure and connect survivors to existing specialized services. In July the GBV IMS taskforce met regularly and analyzed the mid-year data. Moreover a GBV IMS training was conducted by UNFPA, UNICEF and UNHCR targeting case managers from data gathering organizations. | |
18 Aug 2019 | |
The SGBV WG met regularly in May 2019 with a focus on youth and GBV, this included the presentation of the COMPACT- interagency guidelines for working with and for young people in humanitarian settings. In the reporting month the working group provided technical review of 12 submitted proposal to the OCHA managed humanitarian funding. In order to collect lessons learnt on inclusion of people with disabilities in GBV programming in this operation a taskforce met to develop briefing note. A second briefing session was offered on SGBV WG mobile data entry. The working group worked with sub national coordination in Mafraq to support the establishment of CMR services in the area. In Zaatari camp a multisectorial initiative brought together youth, protection and GBV actors and community volunteers to discuss solutions for street sexual harassment in the camp. | |
13 Jun 2019 | |
The SGBV WG met regularly in April 2019 and endorsed the annual workplan. Moreover IRC presented a good practice on adolescent programming with their Girl Shine approach. A learning session was organized on the new application for referrals to ensure partners familiarize with it and provide information as needed. The GBV IMS taskforce met regularly and based on the results of assessment included a new member as data gathering organization. The SGBV WG participated to the launch of the Standard Operating Procedures for the prevention and response to Gender Based Violence,Family Violence and Child protection and the Clinical Management of Rape Protocol organized by NCFA under the patronage of the Prime Minister. | |
14 May 2019 | |
The SGBV WG met regularly in March 2019 and reviewed the Terms of reference for the working group. In March the SGBV WG marked the celebration of International Women’s Day with the production of common IEC materials on the national theme “She innovates”. 300 posters were produced and disseminated in 3 refugee camps and host communities to celebrate refugee and Jordanian women volunteers commitment to innovate and build a safer environment for all women and girls in Jordan. The SGBV WG selected success stories of women and girls from 9 different organization producing and disseminating 100 boxes with stories featuring women and girls that despite facing challenges have found creative ways to claim their rights. Moreover the SGBV WG championed the inclusion of two priorities in OCHA humanitarian funding allocation and disseminated a guidance note on Do and Do not on GBV proposal writing. The first meeting of the SAG- Strategic Advisory Group took place for the discussion of workplan and strategic priorities. Moreover in March SGBV WG nominated three gender focal points to support gender mainstreaming in the sector. The sub working group completed the planning exercise for the Jordan Response Plan. | |
15 Apr 2019 | |
Education : In February, UNICEF and its partners readied 60 new NFE Drop-Out centres in underserved areas, expected to serve 1,500 vulnerable adolescents within the first year of operation. | |
13 Mar 2019 |
Date of Funding Data | 31 December 2018 (1 year ago) |
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2019 Sector Dashboards | |
2019 Online Sector Dashboards | |
Amaali application | |
Video of Amaali application-SGBV SWG | |
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Jordan Refugee 2018-2019 Winterization Response | |
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Title | Status | Partners | Sectors |
Daily Workers Temporarily Unemployed amid Corona Crisis |
1 May 2020 - 31 May 2020 |
Agricultural Workers and Corona Virus Crisis |
1 May 2020 - 31 May 2020 |
Impact of COVID-19 on women and girls in Jordan (Arabic) |
1 May 2020 - 31 May 2020 |
Impact of COVID-19 on women and girls in Jordan (English) |
1 May 2020 - 31 May 2020 |
Daring to Ask, Listen, and Act: a snapshot of the impacts of COVID-19 on women and girls' rights and sexual and reproductive health |
1 April 2020 - 31 May 2020 |
Jordan: COVID-19 Awareness and Follow Up Survey |
23 March 2020 - 22 April 2020 |
Rapid COVID Socio-Economic Impact Survey |
22 April 2020 - 24 April 2020 |
For more information, please contact joramimco@unhcr.org