A general term for the medical condition that is caused by an improper or insufficient nutrition, which is not adequate to maintain good health.
The adverse effects of malnutrition include both physical and developmental manifestations.Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM)
The measurement of the nutritional status of a population (often used in protracted refugee situations). It is one of the basic indicators for assessing the severity of a humanitarian crisis.Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)
Kwashiorkor- Malnutrition brought on by a protein deficiency which causes fluids to drain from the blood into the stomach, causing swelling.
- Resulting from a general lack of calories, causing extreme emaciation with a loss of muscle and fat tissue. It is considered a medical emergency and, if untreated, will most often result in death.
Mandate refugees
People who are recognized as refugees by UNHCR acting under the authority of its Statute and relevant UN General Assembly resolutions. Mandate status is especially significant in States that are not party to the 1951 Refugee Convention or its 1967 Protocol.
Master plan
A comprehensive settlement plan that defines land use, emphasizing its links to the broader environment, enabling both refugees and host communities to benefit from improved services and infrastructure. This approach integrates the spatial, social, cultural, environmental and economic dynamics of a particular location to ensure all basic needs of the affected population are addressed within one common vision.
Mexico Plan of Action
The Mexico Plan of Action, launched in 2004, aims to enhance international refugee protection in Latin America by further developing international refugee law, consolidating protection networks and improving the ability of States to provide effective protection to all people in need. Its focus is on providing durable solutions for urban refugees, in particular self-reliance; the special needs of refugee women; the Colombian conflict and its impact, as well as solutions at border areas; and the use of resettlement opportunities in the region.
Mixed movements
Cross-border movements of people with varying protection profiles, reasons for moving, and needs, who are moving along the same routes and using the same means of transportation or travel.
Multi-year multi-partner
A multi-year approach that will be included in UNHCR planning to support inclusion and comprehensive solutions for people of concern and will engage a broader range of partners, including development actors to plan with a longer-term vision.