Currently there are no upcoming CCCM-related events.
Previous Events
  Global Remote

Dear WG members,


Hope you all have had a good summer holiday. Its been a while since our last meeting in June (find minutes on the cluster website and Nikolas and I wanted to updated you on some good news.



The next call for the Capacity Building working group will be on Thursday, the 22nd of August at 15:00. Please see details below for the call in.


The agenda will be:

1/ update on the CB LNA

  Global Blue jeans

All materials form the webinar can be found here

  Switzerland CICG, Geneva

Whether triggered by natural disasters or conflicts, emergencies can strike anytime and anywhere. They can rapidly force people to flee and leave them in need of protection and assistance. For those who had to leave their homes and have found themselves without the safeguard of their communities, social networks and/or of the rule of law, it becomes crucial to secure safe spaces adapted to the specific characteristics of the displacement and the needs of the communities and individuals affected.

  Switzerland CICG, Geneva

The fifth Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) will be held at the International Conference Centre (CICG) in Geneva, Switzerland from 4-8 February 2019.

The event will host the annual meetings and consultations of humanitarian Networks and Partnerships and bring together experts in crisis preparedness and response from a diversity of organizations and countries to identify solutions to common humanitarian challenges.

  Switzerland WCC, Geneva
Agenda is being developed and the half-day meeting will be only for CCCM and CCCM-merged cluster coordinators.



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