Operation: Colombia
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Key Figures
2020 planning figures | |
>221,000 | people of concern will be assisted with civil status registration and documentation |
>87,000 | people of concern will receive shelter support |
27,000 | Venezuelans and members of the host community will benefit from peaceful coexistence projects |
5,000 | IDPs and 35,000 arrivals from Venezuela (including returnees) will receive legal assistance |
15 | projects supporting livelihood capacities of IDPs will be defined and implemented |
2017 year-end results | |
126,080 | vulnerable people received civil registration or identity documents |
19,860 | people of concern received legal assistance |
220 | households received multipurpose or sectoral cash assistance |
160 | local and national level State institutions were provided with capacity-building to protect and facilitate durable solutions for IDPs |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Increase in
2019 | 10,157,456 |
2018 | 9,015,122 |
2017 | 7,747,365 |

[["Refugees",646],["Asylum-seekers",9119],["IDPs",7976412],["Returned refugees",31],["Stateless",11],["Others of concern",400000],["Venezuelans displaced abroad",1771237]]
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- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Working environment
The arrival of increasingly vulnerable people of concern from Venezuela to Colombia and other countries in the region has placed considerable pressure on the infrastructure for basic services and on host communities. UNHCR and IOM co-lead the Inter-Agency Mixed Migration Group (GIFMM), which coordinates the interagency operational and protection response to support the Government’s efforts to address the needs of new arrivals and their host communities.Meanwhile, Colombia’s historic Peace Accord continues to be implemented while facing many challenges, including the presence of other armed groups in several key regions. Protection and humanitarian challenges continue in border areas and along the Pacific Coast, including a continued high number of homicides targeting community leaders, peasants and youth; continued recruitment and use of children; stigmatization of communities and social organizations; sexual violence and use of personal mines and unexploded ordnance. The Office will continue to advocate for the maintenance of the strong legal framework for IDPs and provide support to the implementation of the Peace Accord as part of the international support group.
The 2018-2020 multi-year multi-partner (MYMP) strategy continues to be the overall framework for UNHCR’s engagement in Colombia and will continue to be adapted to reflect the mixed nature of UNHCR’s response in the country.
Key Priorities
In 2019, under the Venezuela situation response, UNHCR will continue to:- Lead – with IOM – the interagency coordination arrangements for analysis, response and coordination with the authorities.
- Promote access to the territory, including through border and protection monitoring and an anti-xenophobia campaign.
- Support registration and documentation of people of concern, ensure access to information and orientation as well as legal assistance.
- Provide basic humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people of concern, including through cash based interventions, shelter, access to health care and other essential services, child protection and SGBV prevention.
- Promote peaceful coexistence through projects benefiting Venezuelan refugees and migrants, returning Colombians and host communities alike.
- Strengthen cross border and regional coordination and reinforce the capacity of local authorities, civil society and national NGOs in terms of international protection responses.
Under the IDP programme, UNHCR will continue to:
- Advocate for the protection of IDPs and prevention of new displacement, focusing on ethnic communities, SGBV prevention and response as well as child protection.
- Work on durable solutions for IDPs through support to the legalization of prioritized informal peri-urban settlements.
- Support the implementation of the peace agreement through advocacy for the respect of the rights of victims (including IDPs) as well as support to the Special Peace Jurisdiction and the Truth Commission.