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UNHCR, Praya Lundberg and media partners debut documentaries and take part in a special talk on the Venezuela refugee and migrant crisis


UNHCR, Praya Lundberg and media partners debut documentaries and take part in a special talk on the Venezuela refugee and migrant crisis



UNHCR, Praya Lundberg and media partners debut documentaries and take part in a special talk on the Venezuela refugee and migrant crisis. ©UNHCR/Thanasade Tantiwarodom
UNHCR, Praya Lundberg and media partners debut documentaries and take part in a special talk on the Venezuela refugee and migrant crisis. ©UNHCR/Thanasade Tantiwarodom


Since 2015, people continue to leave Venezuela to escape violence, insecurity and threats as well as due to a lack of food, medicine and essential services. The outflow accelerated with an average of 5,000 people leaving Venezuela every day in search of protection or a better life. This is the largest exodus in Latin America and the Caribbean’s recent history, second to the world’s largest refugee crisis in Syria. This population is consequently in dire need of assistance.

“Venezuela Film Night – Tribute to UNHCR for Refugee and Migrant Crisis” was jointly initiated by Praya Lundberg, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador and UNHCR media partners; 3 Miti News, Mangata Productions, THE STANDARD and The Reporters to showcase documentaries and news episodes produced during their recent visit with UNHCR to Colombia, the country hosting the largest number of Venezuelan refugees in the world. The screenings will be completed by a special talk on the Venezuela refugee and migrant crisis.

“Over 4.5 million Venezuelans have left their country to date, according to data from governments receiving them, making this among the world’s biggest recent displacement crises,” said Mr. Giuseppe de Vincentiis, UNHCR’s Representative in Thailand. “UNHCR is on the ground to address the protection needs of Venezuelan refugees and deliver essential humanitarian assistance. We continue to appreciate the generous solidarity and contributions of everyone, including Thai partners and the general public, in support of our efforts.”

During the past three years in her capacity as UNHCR’s Goodwill Ambassador, Praya Lundberg has visited refugees in six temporary shelters in Thailand and three refugee camps abroad in Bangladesh, Jordan and Colombia.

“Venezuela is very far away from Thailand, yet the story can be so close.” said Praya Lundberg, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador. “This documentary gives voice to the countless refugees suffering in the shadows of this crisis and highlights the urgency of providing support to UNHCR.”

“Sin Fronteras: Venezuela at the Crossroads” is a short documentary produced through a collaboration between Praya Lundberg and Mangata Productions to give broader global attention and support to Venezuelan refugees and migrants.

At the Venezuela Film Night there is also a screening of “HUMANS OF NOWHERE,” the first documentary of THE STANDARD that tells the real life stories of Venezuelan refugees and migrants forced to flee their country, as well as special exclusive news episodes by 3 Miti News and the Reporters.

UNHCR offers its special thanks to SF Corporation Public Co.,Ltd in supporting the venue for the Venezuela Film Night.

More than 4.5 million Venezuelans have left their homes to date and UNHCR is working to ensure the most vulnerable are protected by providing access to shelter, health care and documentation, so they are not forced to live in precarious situations where they are exposed and at risk. But we cannot do this alone. You can help by donating today at


#UNHCRThailand #VenezuelaFilmNight