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  1. Retweeted
    Jun 22

    you were a true embodiment of passion and talent that represented the people of Acholi far and wide. I was very saddened by the news of your death. Sleep well my brother.

  2. Retweeted
    Jun 12

    Hit it to the Beat These self-taught dancers of the Holy Dance group are refugees from DRC, South Sudan & Burundi in Uganda. Rehearsing for the commemoration. Group master Pascal welcomes everyone to his group who loves & appreciate dancing.

  3. Retweeted
    May 20
  4. Retweeted
    Apr 26

    Paul, 15, fled his village on foot with his two younger brothers after armed groups attacked his village Yambari in the southwest of South Sudan. They walked for two days to reach .

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  5. Retweeted
    Apr 24

    Tip:As rain falls, it mixes with grime & oil on the road,creating slick conditions perfect for skids.The best way to avoid skidding is to slow down. Driving at a slower pace allows more of the tire's tread to make contact with the road, which leads to better traction.

    , , and 7 others
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  6. Retweeted
    Apr 17

    Amb. of Japan to Uganda, Kazuaki Kameda: Japan as part of the international community would like to share the burden of assisting refugees in Uganda and we assure Uganda of our support.

  7. Retweeted
    Apr 12

    👬 Arrival 🖥 Data entry 👁 Iris scanning 📸 Picture taking 10 fingerprints captured Faida and her family have been verified in Nakivale refugee settlement, Isingiro district. South Western 🇺🇬

  8. Retweeted
    Apr 13

    Here is the latest operational update on the emergency response for DRC in . For more information, please visit: .

  9. Retweeted

    BREAKING: Most of the Burundian refugees who crossed into last month from DR Congo have chosen to return to their home country after they refused biometric registration due to what they say is their religious belief.

  10. Retweeted

    See how tall the Chloris gayana ( orunyankokoore) is? This has only taken four months to mature. Uganda is so rich. It is a shame that we cannot use the richness optimally because of laziness, indiscipline and being slow in learning the best practices.

  11. Mar 22
  12. Retweeted
    Mar 21

    Racism and ethnic discrimination contribute to refugee flows and are obstacles to the acceptance of refugees and their integration in host communities.

  13. Retweeted

    In exercise of powers granted to me by the Constitution, I have appointed Gen Elly Tumwine as the Security Minister. I have also appointed Mr Okoth Ochola as the Inspector-General of Police. He will be deputised by Brig Sabiiti Muzeei


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