Cambridge for Europe #FBPE


Cambridge for Europe is a local campaign group promoting our continued membership of the EU.

Cambridge, England
Iscritto a dicembre 2015


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  1. 10 gen

    Marmite was discovered by a German, takes its name from a French cooking vessel & is manufactured by an Anglo-Dutch company which has explicitly warned that Brexit will entail food price rises. It’s certainly a symbol of something.

  2. 10 gen

    Want to see a huge generational divide? Clear majority of population under age 50 think the Brexit vote was wrong, clear majority of those over 50 say it was right. Dec 2017 data from YouGov:

  3. 10 gen

    This sums up much of the ongoing negotiation and debate

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  4. 9 gen

    No explanation from Liam Fox as to why the Government decided to leave the Customs Union without having undertaken any assessment at all of the economic impact of doing so.

  5. 10 gen

    Always worth reminding yourself of what Leavers said six months ago, back when current reality was 'Project Fear'

  6. 8 gen

    . not only persuaded the PM to keep him at health, but he also persuaded her to give him full charge of social care for the elderly. Extraordinary. Makes one wonder who's in charge

  7. 3 gen

    Never forget...this ultimately is what is about...the theft of our rights especially that of being able to take our Govt to an international court if it decides to remove our rights.

  8. 18 dic 2017

    So here’s my message to your fellow youths: Brexit isn’t a “real revolt”. It is populism pure and simple, driven by lying politicians, millionaires and all sorts of dark channels like these 14/

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  9. 17 dic 2017

    Don’t bother to look at this league table of growth in rich countries

  10. 19 dic 2017

    Those parts of the UK that voted most strongly for Leave would be hurt disproportionately more by a hard Brexit with no trade deal, says University of Birmingham, City-Redi research institute

  11. 13 dic 2017
  12. 10 dic 2017

    Apologies for the short thread, but I think it is necessary to counteract the deliberate and cynical "everybody lied" white noise generated by Brexiters. Let's look at the five, plain claims on the front page of the official Vote Leave website under "If we vote stay in the EU":

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  13. 13 dic 2017

    SHOCK, as in predicted by virtually all economists since before the referendum

  14. 9 dic 2017

    Great article which suggests Remainers should be quietly optimistic about this deal. Ireland has secured an assurance of regulatory alignment with the single market, which means we may as well remain

  15. 9 dic 2017

    We agree that if we do not agree on something which isn't possible anyway, we will align to some rules in areas yet to be determined which will ensure that we continue with the single market even though we are leaving the single market and diverging from it. That'll work.

  16. Later this month we will find the people's favourite remain moment of 2017 Is your favourite confronting Farage, the big march, flags at the proms, or something else? Send us your nominations &we will run a poll w/ the finalists Please RT

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  17. 9 dic 2017
  18. 8 dic 2017

    Britain - here's what you could have won. 👇

  19. 9 dic 2017

    This is the fudge at the heart of this deal. Logical interpretation of regulatory alignment is continued membership of customs union...

  20. 8 dic 2017

    I want a 'Great' Britain that is: - Compassionate - Outward looking - Positive - Inclusive - Welcoming - Visionary - Progressive - Enlightened - Modern - Fair - Principled Brexit is diametrically opposite to these values. Let's stop it. Let's Make 'Great' Britain Again.


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