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  1. 54 minuti fa
  2. 2 ore fa

    WARNING: Disturbing content. I want to know WHY the media are silent & why the British Government have not offered asylum to the white farmers of South Africa? Meanwhile mass migration (largely consisting of an incompatible culture) continues to flood Europe. Think!

  3. 3 ore fa

    I just cannot understand why nobody is reporting on this can you? This is GENOCIDE but the media are tight-lipped. WHY????

  4. 3 ore fa

    A well known strawberry farmer from Stellenbosch was murdered yesterday. The 72 year old farmer, who employed 1000 people, was attacked by 4 assailants and stabbed to death with an unknown object. / /

  5. 3 ore fa

    There's a crisis in South Africa but nobody is reporting it. White farmers are being ethnically cleansed, yet the mainstream media remain silent & there's scant information on social media either. WHY?? We MUST bring awareness to the horrors (Afrikaans for murder) RT

  6. 4 ore fa
  7. 9 ore fa

    My heartfelt condolences to his family and to every other ....struggling to survive farmer murdered in cold blood by these savages

  8. 17 ore fa

    1000 More people without a job. Farmer murdered today.

  9. 21 giu

    The is a on the world, every body within the corrupt dysfunctional organisation is a dangerous joke 👉 NOW!

  10. 20 giu
  11. 20 giu

    FarmAttack Jonty Striker Jacobs - Shot in the back, hospitalized critical. Roodeplaat, Pretoria, GP Further detail T.B.A.

  12. 19 giu

    Now you're revealing your point, What if I say the needs to be a reality not just a narrative to protect ?? The issue here is racism and abuse of Afrikans. Nothing to defend here, please...or let's leave it there.

  13. 18 giu
    In risposta a

    Here we go, once again. Little Willemien Potgieter and her mom and dad, stabbed and shot thru the head at their home (because they were white).

  14. 18 giu

    “There will be no more white farmers left in South Africa in 2 years. They are being hunted to extinction”. Serving Police Officer

  15. 16 giu
    In risposta a
  16. 14 giu

    Yes ma’am. - The Killing Fields of South Africa is almost complete. The voices of the slaughtered will be heard.

  17. 4 giu

    They say they will die in their boots for the love of their land. And they do.

  18. 2 giu

    My great privilege to be in studio recording for - my South African documentary the and DO NOT want you to see. For good reason.

  19. 27 mag

    Die wêreldwye betogings teen en in SA is nou groter as wat anti-apartheid ooit was. Enigste verskil is Swede & Nederland skenk nie miljoene nie en VN nie aan ons kant.

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