Janice Atkinson


Vice-President, Europe of Nations and Freedom. I voted Brexit to take back control. I am the 52%

Iscritto a giugno 2015


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  1. ha ritwittato
    7 ore fa

    Must Watch! Why the EU is falling apart. tries to tell it like it is in the EUParliment before getting cut off the mic.

  2. ha ritwittato
    5 ore fa

    If you missed on - here's the link Skip to 1:38:06

  3. 8 ore fa

    Tell them not to come. No jobs, no houses, no welfare, no cash, nothing. Not wanted nor needed.

  4. ha ritwittato

    Newly crowned Emperor Emmanuel Macron introduces his 2022 cabinet.

  5. 9 ore fa

    I’ll be on 6pm BST. , freedom of speech and Brexit.

  6. ha ritwittato
    10 ore fa

    In case you missed it live... my Tommy Robinson Livestream Updates June 21

  7. ha ritwittato
    13 ore fa

    Oooooh looky the far left thug who shut down a democratic hustings in Lewisham is a Labour campaigner, chummy with , and whose mates campaign with Islamists... Ladies and gentlemen I give you...

  8. 10 ore fa
  9. ha ritwittato
    11 ore fa

    As Great Britain is embroiled in conflict with the about the exact terms for , Poland is being threatened by Brussels with sanctions over its judicial reform. As a result, Poland and Great Britain are tightening relations between each other.

  10. ha ritwittato
    13 ore fa

    EU to Trump “Tariffs are bad, they are a lose-lose, this goes against decades of international progress on trade”. EU to UK “We will raise tariffs on you if you leave the EU” UK to EU “Why, isn’t that a lose-lose?”

  11. ha ritwittato
    14 ore fa
  12. ha ritwittato
    14 ore fa

    Hardly surprising Airbus are threatening us today when they've taken billions in EU funding.

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  13. 15 ore fa

    Unite the Right? Ha ha. Attend this one tomorrow. march from Victoria Station 2pm to Whitehall for speeches at 3pm. My call to action:

  14. 15 ore fa

    Then attend our counter march, for Brexit 3pm speeches, Whitehall, starting 2pm in Victoria. Don't just tweet, do something.

  15. 15 ore fa

    Troika cries victory over ! Who are we kidding? A country under trusteeship, sold at the cutting, 180% debt, 20% unemployment, of which 43% among young people, 35% of the poor Greeks. A martyred country of the EU, what a showcase! Mlp And that is why will win!

  16. 15 ore fa

    Subscribe people, because they're worth it. If you want a right of centre, conservative view of the world, then VoE is for you.

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  17. 15 ore fa
  18. 16 ore fa

    What about the low skilled, under-educated working class of Denmark?

  19. ha ritwittato

    The mainstream media were quick to criticize President Trump for his remarks on immigration and crime in Germany. A close examination of Germany's official crime statistics shows that Trump was correct.

  20. 16 ore fa

    People are already searching for new ways to ensure their voices are heard, Brendan. The marches are about more than one man and tomorrow's March for Brexit Freedom is just the start.


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