Non-Profit Tweets


Using data to highlight great Non-Profit communication. From Measured Voice.

Iscritto a aprile 2014


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  1. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    1 in 110 has left behind friends. 1 in 110 has made the decision of whether they had time to grab photo albums. 1 in 110 has had their world turned upside-down. 1 in 110 has faced the unthinkable. 1 in 110 has been forced to flee their home.

  2. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Clinical trials offer a source of hope – for you and for those who follow in your shoes. Learn more at .

  3. ha ritwittato

    Hope you enjoy so many days of sunshine, miss Luna! You deserve it! 🌞

  4. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    An utter travesty of justice: Taner will remain in prison. Next hearing will be 7 November. , be sure of this: We will not rest until Taner is free and the charges against are cleared.

  5. ha ritwittato

    Text "Unhappy Meals" to 30644 to ask to eliminate the suffering of chickens raised in factory farms:

  6. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Today we're waiting impatiently to see whether our colleague & human rights defender Taner Kılıç will be released. His wife & daughters have now been waiting for more than a year. must .

  7. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    In 🇹🇿 they beat drums. In 🇺🇦 they laughed. In 🇧🇩 they painted. In 🇺🇬 they danced. In 🇮🇳 they posed. In 🇸🇳 they slammed. In 🇳🇬 they sang. In 🇺🇸 they displayed. Around the 🌏🌍🌎 we came together.

  8. ha ritwittato
    24 ore fa

    One of the cruelest methods of killing animals that exists today is the glue trap. Trapped animals suffer immeasurably during the days that it takes for them to die.

    Mostra questa discussione
  9. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    2/3 of all refugees come from just 5 countries. 🇸🇾 Syria 🇦🇫 Afghanistan 🇸🇸 South Sudan 🇲🇲 Myanmar 🇸🇴 Somalia Imagine what peace in just one of those countries could mean.

  10. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    One person's groceries should not come at the cost of another person's safety and basic human rights.

  11. ha ritwittato

    The winners of The Nature Conservancy's 2018 Photo Contest:

  12. ha ritwittato

    The US has played a major role in the decline of giraffe populations. 😞 This , stand with us and our partners, including , to urge the to list giraffes under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

  13. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    "I am a four-year Kentucky football letterman. I am an only child. I am a white, 6-foot-2 man. I am gay." Thank you for living your truth and sharing your story. LGBTQ visibility is so important in athletics and we're honored to welcome you to our family.

  14. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Children belong with their mothers & fathers. Our heart breaks for those who have been & are still separated from their families 💔 We hope all will consider extending compassion to animal children separated from their parents like calves taken from their moms on dairy farms too.

  15. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    An estimated 24,000 members from more than 175 countries are expected to attend the Convention in Toronto on 23-27 June.

  16. ha ritwittato
    21 ore fa

    You'll want to eat something else tonight.

  17. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    A6: One of the simplest, most effective actions a city can take is to plant more trees.

  18. ha ritwittato
    20 ore fa
  19. ha ritwittato
    18 ore fa

    BREAKING: Moments ago, Greenpeace activists were at JPMorgan Chase's Corporate Challenge Race in Boston dressed in CEO Jamie Dimon costumes, to give him a run for his money & tell : DON’T FUND OIL PIPELINES! !

  20. ha ritwittato
    18 ore fa

    “I think it’s important for black folks to know that we can come together and love each other in intimate, romantic, spiritual ways.” NYT's Jamal Jordan () captures the beauty of queer Black love.


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