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  1. 2 ore fa
    In risposta a

    This cannot be allowed to happen. The whole immigration “policy” is an abomination. Why do people not see this?

  2. 5 ore fa

    #2018 Yo sé quién soy. De pies a cabeza, hacia adentro y hacia afuera. De color y preferencia propia; de nadie más. No me definas con palabras. Yo concibo mi propia definición y mi propio amor. Me conozco y acepto sin parcialidades. Porque soy.

  3. 5 ore fa

    Years ago just waiting for you, years ago just praying you were here, years ago thinking in my goals, years...months...days...you have done the time, all my time vanishes but it’s worth every moment that I spend with you 🌈 TE AMO

  4. 6 ore fa
  5. 7 ore fa

    Hate that I can’t be part of any festivities for but I am there in spirit. I stand with all people - always

  6. 12 ore fa
  7. 13 ore fa
  8. 15 ore fa
    In risposta a

    The outcome of this vote is SO interesting. 70%+ mistrust other human beings.

  9. 22 giu

    When are people gonna stop looking at what makes others different from them and start looking at what makes them the same. We all share the same small planet in the universe.

  10. 22 giu

    Enjoyed a wonderful, inspiring talk last night from about encouraging mistakes and not being scared of failure, as a pathway to success! You know what he means !!

  11. 21 giu
  12. 20 giu

    My grandfather, at age 17, became a WWII refugee. He boarded a ship to South America not knowing a word of Spanish or what kind of life awaited him. He made it and contributed hard work, love and diversity to the country that welcomed him.

  13. 20 giu
    In risposta a e

    Well done people of Wales. This is how to treat refugees.

  14. 20 giu
  15. 20 giu

    I'm a migrant. My being white w/ a Canadian passport does NOT make me more human than others. My family, my safety and well-being, my dreams do NOT have greater value than those of everyone else.

  16. 19 giu
    In risposta a

    I don't care what someone looks like, if they're nice to me I'll be nice to them.

  17. 19 giu

    Qui porti chiusi e Censimenti su base razziale anticostituzionali. Volendo possiamo importare questo meraviglioso esempio dagli USA di Trump! perchè non separare i bambini dai genitori!!!

  18. 18 giu

    Y’all really trynna shame x when he was working to right his wrongs? Like you don’t take back your abusive bf every week😴

  19. 17 giu

    I had a fantastic time facilitating the LGBTQ2SI+ Issues 101 Workshop x3 at the AGM yesterday. Such enthusiastic & engaged members having in-depth, open & transparent conversations. Thankful for the opportunity.

  20. 17 giu

    Wishing all the father's that have had their children taken from them for trying to improve their lives are reunited.

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