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  1. 8 ore fa

    Day 518: In which one always sticks to the playbook: deflect, distort, degenerate.

  2. 9 ore fa
  3. 10 ore fa
  4. 12 ore fa
    In risposta a

    . , Where are you? You work for the American people, we pay you & we want our questions answered! You have a responsibility to the American public.

  5. 14 ore fa

    BREAKING: The Trump administration refuses to disclose the location of 2,300 children who have reportedly been separated from their parents at the border. Today we filed FOIA requests with & to tell us: . Statement: .

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  6. 14 ore fa

    This debacle is gonna cost a fortune

  7. 16 ore fa
    In risposta a e

    Thank You Ted Lieu..This needs to Done Everyday by Every Democratic Member of Congress Until these Children are Found and Reunited with Their Parents....

  8. 18 ore fa
  9. 20 ore fa

    "Phony stories of sadness and grief". Helpful side note: sociopaths are unable to experience love, empathy, remorse, shame or guilt as normal human beings do.

  10. 20 ore fa
  11. 20 ore fa
  12. 20 ore fa
  13. 20 ore fa
  14. 21 ore fa
    In risposta a , e

    Remember when you were 3 or 4 years old and you briefly lost track of your Mom while shopping? Yeah, that times a million

  15. 21 ore fa
    In risposta a

    should use their vast online presence to help reunite these families. Zuckerberg should create pages for Amber Alert-type pictures of the kids, their parents. Allow for relevant information to be posted. A virtual

  16. 10 Stages Of Genocide - I DARE YOU to glance at them & tell me Trump’s not already into several of them. Hopefully it doesn’t get to #9, which is Extermination, but...it’s happened before.

  17. 23 ore fa
  18. 22 giu

    Like I've been saying follow the money the girls and the babies are the most wanted in adoption.

  19. 22 giu

    In perhaps the most badass move since breaking open Watergate, the Washington Post is crowdsourcing the location of migrant children separated from their parents. Check out the map and then tag and retweet to people who can help.

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