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  1. 3 ore fa

    Do you care about the children being reunited?

  2. 8 ore fa
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  3. 9 ore fa
    In risposta a , e

    The only reason they are allowing a camera is because these are teenaged boys to feed their story that these asylum seekers are gang recruits. THE QUESTION IS: Where are the girls? Where are the babies?

  4. 14 ore fa

    Outside office in Morristown with and 300 of their best friends protesting family separation

  5. 16 ore fa
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    Call Karen Handel's office and leave a voice mail of the recording. Repeat for every GOP MOC.

  6. BREAKING: The Trump administration has dodged questions about the whereabouts and conditions of thousands of babies, girls, and pregnant women detained at the border. Today we're submitting a FOIA request to demand that HHS release their locations.

  7. Many migrant girls came to the U.S. to flee the violence back home. Tearing them away from their families exacerbates their trauma. When asked where the girls and toddlers are being held, didn’t know. Isn’t that her job? ?

  8. 18 ore fa
  9. 19 ore fa
    In risposta a

    Here's where you're wrong. NORMAL people are saddened and heartbroken when children are caged or taken from their mother. Of course, you wouldn't know about that.

  10. 20 ore fa
  11. 20 ore fa
  12. 21 ore fa

    DAY 515 He is not my president today. He was not my president yesterday. He will not be my president tomorrow.

  13. 22 ore fa
  14. 10 Stages Of Genocide - I DARE YOU to glance at them & tell me Trump’s not already into several of them. Hopefully it doesn’t get to #9, which is Extermination, but...it’s happened before.

  15. 22 giu

    isn't the only big unanswered question around family separations at the border. –Where are the youngest children being kept? –How many babies and young children have been separated? –How can parents and children be reunited?

  16. 21 giu

    ❌Melania is not a victim ❌Melania is not a hostage ❌Melania does not have Stockholm's Syndrome She is: ✔️Cold ✔️Callous ✔️Calculating ✔️Complicit

  17. 21 giu

    The in and out photo op of Melania Trump at the border answered none of the very real questions we have, such as ?

  18. 21 giu

    I keep trying to call the White House and it sounds like they shut the phones down. What are they trying to hide? America wants to know: ? ☎️

  19. 21 giu

    I can’t post a selfie. I can’t post a joke. All I care about is every excruciating second these children and babies are suffering..and their parents... my G-d, it’s unimaginable. I can’t BELIEVE the heartless ignorance from Trumpers.

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