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  1. 22 giu
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  2. 22 giu
  3. 21 giu
  4. 21 giu
  5. 20 giu

    Unlike US, where won, the media blackout here, plus the lies and spin, ensure that the majority of Australians do NOT KNOW what this Gov is doing. Which is more evil?

  6. 20 giu

    Glimpse of the daily life of who live under brutal occupation by the most 'Loathsome Terrorist Regime' in the world-- Gross in occupied

  7. 20 giu

    This Saturday, FOMDD, among many others, will be cosponsoring the March to protect the children and keep families together.

  8. 20 giu

    Unbelievable!! Because of criticism from UNHRC, The US has voluntarily left the United Nations Human Rights Council. The US now joins Iran, North Korea and Eritrea as the only countries that refuse to participate in the council’s meetings and deliberations.

  9. 20 giu
    In risposta a e

    No way, a child-molesting sleazebag is taking advantage of in TX?! Who would have thought😒

  10. 19 giu

    Senza accorgersene pian piano si stà perdendo umanità. Queste sono le conseguenze e saranno sempre peggiori.

  11. 19 giu

    Cancel Trumps visit to the UK

  12. 19 giu
  13. 19 giu
  14. 19 giu

    associations around the world are condemning this inhumane US policy & using their voices to encourage their own governments to act. It would be great to see do the same. should never go unchallenged, It goes against what we stand for as Nurses

  15. 19 giu

    11k kids held up (reported on MSNBC Maddow show tonight as current estimated # of kids separated from parents and held by ICE/HHS). Unconscionable!

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  16. 19 giu

    Where did US President get his horrific idea of imprisoning ? The Australian Government has had mandatory indefinite offshore detention of (including children) in prisons on and for years.

  17. 18 giu
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    Along with EVERY SINGLE ONE of the lying, scheming, brutal members of this fascist ! This situation CANNOT & MUST NOT BE BORNE, or ignored by the highest levels of international scrutiny & justice.

  18. 18 giu

    ANYONE who has had a history working with or supporting Trump will be tainted for LIFE.

  19. 18 giu
    In risposta a , e

    Big influence of white supremacy in Trump's immigration policies. Even the Pope says it's wrong. Catholics: who you gonna believe? The Pope or Trump?

  20. 18 giu

    If this were happening in any other country, diplomatic ties would be cut, trade would end, and sanctions would be massive. America's standing in the world cannot excuse it's . "Trump and the Baby Snatchers"

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