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  1. 2 ore fa

    Day 325 of peaceful protests on . When we have forgotten the of those who seek safety, we lose our own humanity. calls a dangerous thing and urges us not to feel it. Terrible advice from a failed former health minister.

  2. 4 ore fa
  3. 4 ore fa
    In risposta a

    Abusers always need someone to blame for the harm they do to others. Dutton says "Australians must guard against compassion towards refugees" so he can blame the Australian people when his abysmal policies fail.

  4. 4 ore fa

    Shorter "If we show any compassion now, it would be cruel and dangerous"

  5. 5 ore fa

    The boats NEVER stopped coming - they were just stopped from arriving.

  6. 5 ore fa

    Dear We're not all sociopaths, mate. You portray yourself as being a bit of a psycho.... and not in a good way. More than half of asylum seekers are CHILDREN. Isn't it time for you to GTFO, mate?

  7. 6 ore fa

    The $BILLIONS that have gone through FOREIGN ECONOMIES to indefinitely detain INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS on & could have gone into our regional towns to build infrastructure and support. Refugees could have become productive Australians, contributing to OUR economy.

  8. 6 ore fa

    Er! Mah! Gerd! God forbid we show COMPASSION to HUMAN BEINGS! If we have to be a society without compassion, to protect our borders, then what's the point? What are we protecting, if we'are all to be sociopaths like Dutton?

  9. 6 ore fa

    Just look at the violent language Dutton uses in regards to bringing the refugees from and here - "It's not time to take our foot off the throat of this threat." (I think he means his own jackboot.) or

  10. 7 ore fa

    So cruelty has not stopped the boats anyway ? "The boats are still coming & if the govt were to relax its tough stance, such as by transferring refugees held on & to the mainland, it would see the people-smuggling business restart, Dutton told The Weekend Australian

  11. 9 ore fa

    For those which are saying Manus is open detention, here's the pic taken by biometric security camera during peaceful protest Oct 2017.

  12. 17 ore fa

    324th day of peaceful protest from East Lorengua refugees transit center. Refugees are human beings , so we deserve to be treated as equal as a human being in respectful way with dignity. Not to be punished or victimized by political agendas. SOS .

  13. 22 giu

    In America they have civil rights so when children, no matter their colour, are hurt, they know it's wrong. In Australia we have no civil rights. And our politicians are free to lock up brown children and people for however long it suits them.

  14. 22 giu

    My 89yo Mum lives in Dickson. She is appalled at the tax package passing the Senate yesterday with big tax cuts for the rich, & , & failure of the LNP to act on . She thinks Dutton is a fascist monster. Hard to disagree with my Mum.

  15. 20 giu

    Kind of grotesquely bizzare watching all the die-hard ALP true believers shouting outrage at Trump's immigration policy while they either support or silently consent to ALPs policy to imprison, torture and abuse asylum seekers on and

  16. 20 giu

    Anyone can be a refugee. To seek asylum is not illegal. To seek asylum is a right. Close , close . I'm this and every day.

  17. 19 giu

    has the press forgotten Trump saying by phone to Turnbull on refugees : "you are worse than us!".. this is where the Kids in Cages began, Trump is aping Australia .. watch the US Congress go ballistic and then look at our Parliament of Cowards

  18. 19 giu

    Australians have been shocked in recent days to see the US lock up traumatised children in cages, separated from their parents. It’s time to realise we do even worse.

  19. 19 giu

    Why are we talking about and asylum seekers when we should be talking about and asylum seekers

  20. 18 giu

    320th days of peaceful protest from East Lorengua refugees transit center. SOS

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