I hope they live in peace. Somalis are very resilient and will be able to overcome this challenge
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Great Let them rebuild their nation
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Great photo. Not so great a situation. Deplorable. Lamantable even.
Can someone tell Holliwood to stop trying to steal the thunder? I am really hating those news stories about 'he made inappropriate, lude remarks...' Try fleeing bombs and see what then becomes your priority!
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Ihope they live a peace
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No more feeling aliened! No more producing ID,
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Thank you fillipo for your visit in kismayo to witnessed the implementation ARC doing to support the returnees.
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mother land is best
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East west home
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I am always supporting people returning to their country to rebuild.. But remember those suffering either in Dadaab and IDP camps in Somalia are marginalize and minorities... They are farmers yet they cant harvest. those remain in Dadaab must consider durable solituon at all.
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Refugee return a very important and delicate issue. I hope they can return in safety. Next issue to be considered is refugee prevention, like what is about to happen in Venezuela.
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Dear Mr Grandi , we , Angolan recognised political refugees since 1996 are facing the same hardship in South Africa .We have been undocumented since 2013 and thus can hardly access the public services and job market .We still fear persecution back home .We need a durable solution
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A NEW narrative relate to migrants and migration is necessary. Only social& economic development can’t Assist in REAL sustainable terms the existent crises.
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