
You blocked @thisisgulliver

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  1. 24 Dec 2017

    Who remembers that infamous line from Jack Nickolson and the potential held in 'the truth'? I, for one, think its still relevant. Not everything needs to be said.

  2. Retweeted
    24 Dec 2017

    Dear PDitty sir 🙂 Merry Christmas! Sooner or later people will learn that justice, in its most purest forms, is dependant on an unbiased and fair trial accompanied by a just law system. Maybe next year we can start making our way there. Til then laugh lots! 💚

  3. 24 Dec 2017

    Dear , I am very saddened to hear of all that you lost. Life's a bitch & then you die. (Pardon my French. I happen to be fluent in it. Plus, I am trying to make light of a very complex set of circumstances, where the usual suspects are still innocent, no trial as yet)

  4. 24 Dec 2017

    Sorry I forgot to tell you why I tagged you. Here is the reason: (welcome your thoughts!)

  5. 24 Dec 2017

    Today I created my alterego, discovered scientists at believe the moon has its own gravitational field, which is possible, depending on the , oh and I got permission in writing from Uni of to openly critisize their book on the politics of Gaza.BusyAS!

  6. 23 Dec 2017

    Afterthought: I wonder what the presedential hair looks like now, after all the hoo-ha. It's probably whiter. Life will do that to you. Or melanin. Not sure.

  7. 23 Dec 2017

    So we're a bit behind in Oz. after all the time difference to WDC is (east -10 gmt) + (-5wtz)

  8. 23 Dec 2017

    O.M.G. - hell no! You are 'capitanpantsontheoutside' too. Y? who are you keeping out? u should feel lucky to have visitors. 😏

  9. 22 Dec 2017

    Hey , Do U have a "Lost & Found" Department like have for items found on public transport. I found this pic on the .net and I liked it, but I don't know who the owner is. I checked the file properties but they don't retain the owner's name. Any thoughts?

  10. 21 Dec 2017
  11. 21 Dec 2017

    Rules were made to be broken.

  12. 20 Dec 2017

    I am still unclear abut who takes credit for inventing the word "spruik"? Yeh rite?! "early XXth century" ?! I don't buy it. 🧐

  13. 19 Dec 2017

    Sure thing @Shahriarhatami1 Give a couple of days. I'll see what I can do. Speak soon! 😊

  14. Retweeted

    forecast for tomorrow: FAIR to GOOD in Melbourne and GOOD in the Latrobe Valley. Updates:

  15. 18 Dec 2017

    How controvesial ?! Not only do I 'retweet my self', but I also like my twits. 😳

  16. Retweeted
    18 Dec 2017
  17. 18 Dec 2017

    "Greetings to participants and guests of the 25th Faith and Fidelity International Awards ceremony ..." said on the 18th of Dec, 17 @ 18:00hrs. :) via

  18. Retweeted
    17 Dec 2017
    Replying to

    Sorry Shahriar I was trying to get a strong message in a short space equally desperate is the conditions on Nauru in fact worse for the women. I did not wish to downplay your importance. Very little news gets out from Nauru please can you give us more news so we may pressure 4 U

  19. 18 Dec 2017

    Dear lovely ladies, ThankU 4 the Twitter 🖤. I just want to say sorry Im not 'followingback' out of principle as I do not agree with prostitution (which can be anything from escort to sex worker) industustry standards. If this world was equal, there'd be male-worker brothels.⚖️

  20. 17 Dec 2017

    OK. Putin wins. Hands down. Sorry everyone who entered 'the most attention seeking politician' competition. You were all wonderful, but surely you can all see why this one is a winner. 😎


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