
Featured Refugees

War has forced millions of families to flee their homes

This is the most urgent story of our time

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Bekheita’s Story, Egypt

Bekheita never even contemplated the possibility of becoming a refugee and leaving her home but now that is her reality.

UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award

Once a year, we honour extraordinary service to the forcibly displaced. Learn more about the award…

Life has been difficult for me, but my experiences have made me stronger. Being young and a woman, it isn’t easy to find your place in a new community.

But I’ve learned to be proud to be Eritrean. Until you are aware of it, you don’t realize how important it is to belong to something

Carolina’s and Saluka’s Story, Brazil

“Today we feel good here. Brazil will be our new home.” Even though Carolina misses her parents, sisters and nephews, who are still in Syria, she remains optimist about the future.

Susan’s Story, Tanzania

When the support I provide helps a single mother, who lost her husband, find a durable solution that restores her hope, it’s something I am proud of…

A stateless Rohingya boy’s quest for a better life

By the time he was found in a jungle in southern Thailand, this teenager was so weak he couldn’t even wave away the flies and mosquitoes that covered his body.

"The light at the end of the tunnel is what Guelor chooses to see."

Guelor is determined to find his brother, the only family he has left. He won’t give up until he is reunited with him and they can rebuild their lives together.

Aobangeze Bwangu’s Story, Democratic Republic of Congo

Aobangeze has faith that one day everything will be fine and he will be able to live in peace with his family.

Marzia’s Story, Central African Republic

Marzia considers a letter from a refugee as one of the most rewarding moments in her work…

1 family torn apart by war is too many

Learn more about our work with refugees at