Refugees from the Central African Republic

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

Refugees from the Central African Republic JSON 
آخر تحديث 30 Sep 2017
Source - UNHCR, Government 
Refugees from the Central African Republic JSON 
Source - UNHCR, Government
Refugees from the Central African Republic JSON 
موقع Source تاريخ البيانات Population
Bas-Uele UNHCR, Government 30 Sep 2017
Haut-Katanga UNHCR 30 Sep 2017
Kinshasa UNHCR 30 Sep 2017
Nord-Ubangi UNHCR, Government 30 Sep 2017
Sud-Ubangi UNHCR 30 Sep 2017

  Latest Documents
  أبرز العناوين
CAR: Independent special investigation to look into a number of recent incidents in the south-east that occurred from 1 May to 31 August 2017.
13 Nov 2017
CAR: The Head of the UN Mission in CAR, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, briefed the Security Council on 6 November, stressing that the security situation in the country remains volatile and the humanitarian situation disastrous.
06 Nov 2017
CAR: Addressing National Assembly, the Secretary-General pays tribute to the resilience, courage of people of the Central African Republic
27 Oct 2017
CAR: In Bangassou, the Secretary General voices solidarity and calls for reconciliation
25 Oct 2017
Almost 5,000 refugees newly arrived in Bondo territory (Bas-Uele province) received relief items.
30 Sep 2017
Local authorities reported tens of thousands new arrivals in areas of difficult access.
15 Sep 2017
Funding 2017 CAR Situation - DRC
Total appeal
Date of Funding Data 2 October 2017 (2 months ago)
CAR Humanitarian Response
Déplacés internes
Financial Tracking Service CAR
Financial Tracking Service for CAR Humanitarian Response Plan 2017
Financial Tracking Service DRC
Global Protection Cluster
Central African Republic webpage
UNHCR DRC on Facebook
  أخبار من

"People are dying every day" – CAR refugees fleeing war suffer in Congo

Irin News, 30 Oct 2017

The camps of ramshackle mud-brick shelters line the banks of the River Ubangi in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Inside, refugees from Central African Republic are suffering: from heat, from hunger, from disease. إقرأ المزيد


Head of Peacekeeping Mission in Central African Republic Stresses Need to ‘Stay the Course’, as He Briefs Security Council amid New Violence

UN Security Council, 12 Jun 2017

SC/12865 Security Council 7965th Meeting (AM) Killings Must End, Says National Representative, Urging Dialogue with Armed Groups Violence in the Central African Republic — including attacks on minority groups and peacekeepers — harkened back to the darkest days of that country’s past, but ... إقرأ المزيد


Nouvelles arrivées de demandeurs d’asile centrafricains dans les provinces du Bas-Uélé et Nord-Oubangui

Agence Congolaise de Presse, 31 May 2017

Kinshasa, 31 mai 2017 (ACP).-Le Haut-commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) a annoncé une nouvelle arrivée des demandeurs d'asile centrafricains dans les provinces du Bas-Uélé et du Nord-Oubangui, a affirmé mercredi, le porte-parole de l'équipe-pays, Florence Marshall, au cours de la... إقرأ المزيد


Central African Republic violence forces 90,000 to flee homes: UN

XinhuaNet, 30 May 2017

GENEVA, May 30 (Xinhua) -- Some 90,000 people have fled their homes since fighting between rebels in the Central African Republic (CAR) began earlier this month, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported Tuesday. According to the Geneva-based agency, 68,000 men, women and children have been displace... إقرأ المزيد


Communiqué de presse: Nouvelle arrivée massive de réfugiés centrafricains

UNHCR, 16 May 2017

Une arrivée massive de réfugiés est observée dans le nord de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), suite à une vague de violence dans la ville de Bangassou en République Centrafricaine et d’autres localités frontalières avec la RDC. Selon les premières estimations des autorités et du HCR, 2.750... إقرأ المزيد