Deadly trade through Niger snares refugees and migrants

Nearly 30 per cent of those who risk all to cross the desert to Libya could qualify for international protection status once they reach Europe.
By Michelle Hoffman | 04 August 2017 | Français

Cameroonian migrant Daniel pictured in Agadez, Niger. He left his homeland with his uncle and brother, but was detained and tortured in Libya. © UNHCR/Louise Donovan

AGADEZ, Niger – Daniel knows well the dangers of the route to Libya. As he recalls his journey from his native Cameroon, the details spill out in a staccato of words, fidgets and sideways glances, an occasional smile dashing across his face. It is not excitement, but despair, that drives the constant movement.

He is a man used to being on the move. The 26-year-old left his homeland earlier this year with his twin brother and uncle, aiming to reach Libya, then Europe. But for the trio, as for untold thousands of others, the trip went badly wrong as they fell into the hands of ruthless smugglers.

“When we reached Libya, the driver told us we had to pay another 1,500 dinars (US$1,100) per person, so 4,500 dinars for all three,” he says. “We didn’t have any more money. We tried to explain the situation, but they didn’t want to hear it.”

So for lack of pay-off money, the three were thrown into one of Libya’s informal detention centres, Daniel says, and beaten with weapons.

“We were tortured, kept in a compound where other passengers were allowed to go out, but not us since they thought we might escape,” he explains.

He was then taken back here, to neighbouring Niger, where he was bound into forced labour by his Libyan captors, while his family remained hostage across the border. When they finally released him, two months later, he had no money, nowhere to call home, and a ransom demand to pay.

Daniel’s harrowing journey took him along a centuries-old caravan trail to the Mediterranean, and left him at one of its crossroads – Agadez.

Once a hub in the trade in gold and salt, the low-slung labyrinth of ochre-walled compounds on the southern edge of the Sahara desert is now a centre in a dangerous trade in guns, drugs and, above all, people. In 2016 some 330,000 people crossed to Libya from Niger, mostly through Agadez, including about a quarter of them from Niger itself.

In 2015, largely in response to pressure from EU governments, Niger began cracking down on operators helping those travellers, mainly from West and Central Africa, cross into Libya. In return, the EU has offered more than €2 billion in aid to help the region – also including other priority African countries – on issues ranging from security to economic development.

While the numbers of people transiting through Agadez has dropped since the crackdown began, some observers say it is simply forcing the business of people smuggling underground, making the illicit trade even riskier.

Smugglers are taking alternative routes that are less well known – and charging higher prices for their services. Those who call themselves “migration service providers” in Agadez also say their business of transporting people is now attracting more criminal traffickers who also transport drugs and weapons.

“Irrespective of the status … we are telling people it is dangerous to go to Libya.”

Groups of migrants have been abandoned in the desert – some deliberately, others when a smuggler’s vehicle breaks down. Sometimes they are rescued but unknown numbers have died – and some estimate the figures of those who have perished en route in the deserts of Niger and in Libya are higher than the figures of those lost at sea heading to Europe.

Across the border in Libya, a whole host of other threats await. The country, in the throes of civil and political upheaval, has simply become a “machine that destroys humans,” said Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR’s Special Envoy for the Central Mediterranean Situation, during a visit to Niger last week.

“Irrespective of the status of people – whether they are economic migrants or refugees – we are telling people it is dangerous to go to Libya. People disappear. People are killed in the desert, much more than the people being killed in the Mediterranean trying to cross to go to Europe,” he said.

Most of those who risk this desperate journey have been considered migrants, but analysis by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, shows that about 30 per cent of those who take migration routes through Niger could qualify for international protection status once they reach Europe. Thus, tens of thousands of people traumatized by war, political persecution and terrorism go headlong into more danger.

A view over Agadez, Niger. © UNHCR/Louise Donovan

“It’s something I’ve learned during this trip to Agadez, from testimonies we’ve heard from people,” said Cochetel. “Everybody has seen people dying in front of them in detention centres … either in the hands of militias, or smugglers and traffickers. Everyone has had that experience … So we’re telling people it’s for your own protection. It’s dangerous to be there. There are solutions on the way.”

UNHCR has stepped up its operations in Niger, both to identify and protect vulnerable people of concern, and to help the Niger government to improve its capacity for determining asylum claims. It is also working closely with its partner, the International Organization for Migration, to reach out to people who may have fled war or persecution, to let them know that asylum is possible in Niger.

“I know that I’ve done my part as a Christian – warning them about what happens out there.”

As part of a wider drive to tackle the root causes of displacement, the UN Refugee Agency continues to offer its support to governments to seek lasting political solutions to the conflicts that provoke humanitarian crises in the region and worldwide.

After two months Daniel was released by his captors onto the streets of Agadez. There he has found some solace in the city’s tiny Catholic parish and its priest, Father Pascal, who ministers to many migrants and refugees. Daniel has found the courage to voice his story and deliver a message to those who will listen.

“I’ve met other people here who want to go to Libya,” he said. “I told them about what I’ve gone through. I don’t know if they’ve gone anyway or not. That’s up to them. But I know that I’ve done my part as a Christian – warning them about what happens out there.”
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‘Refugee’ or ‘Migrant’ – Word choice matters

‘Are the terms refugee and ‘migrant’ interchangeable? ’
No. These terms are too often used interchangeably, in particular in mainstream media and public discourse, which can lead to public confusion and misunderstanding. There is a key legal difference between the two. Refugees are people who have been forced to flee their home countries or “countries of origin” due to a genuine fear of violence, conflict or persecution. They have been forced to cross international borders to seek safety, which their own countries cannot provide. The term migrant is generally understood to describe people who choose to move to improve their lives, for example to seek work, education, to reunite with their families overseas etc. Migrants are distinctly different to refugees in that they can normally choose to return home where they will continue to receive protection from their government. Refugees do not have this choice. If they are forced to return, their lives and freedom will be threatened.

‘What rights are refugees entitled to that migrants are not?’
Migrants, as all other people are protected by international human rights law, which protects their dignity as human beings. Refugees are also protected by international human rights law, but with the added protection of the 1951 Convention related to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. This entitles them to seek asylum in another country, and requires states to provide protection and assistance. The Convention enshrines fundamental humanitarian ideals. The most important element is that refugees should never be expelled or returned to situations where their life and freedom would be under threat. It is a universal human right to seek asylum.

‘In Niger, are there both refugees and migrants?’
Sub-Saharan Africa is home to over 4 million refugees. Niger hosts around 128,000 refugees fleeing conflict and violence in Mali and Nigeria and almost 500 refugees and asylum seekers from other countries. It also hosts around 70,000 returnees coming from Nigeria, and over 100,000 internally displaced persons in the Diffa region. At the same time, it is a major transit country for migrants from West and Central Africa, who are moving towards Libya, Algeria and the Mediterranean (approximately 100,000 per year). UNHCR and IOM are working together in Niger to identify those amongst the migrant flows who may qualify to apply for asylum in Niger. IOM provide assistance and information to stranded, returning or vulnerable migrants, while UNHCR assist asylum seekers to access legal procedures to be recognized as refugees. Often the distinction is not understood even by those fleeing their home countries.

‘Why is the language used so important – particularly in Europe?’
Those arriving to Europe are in fact a mixture of refugees and migrants however the majority are refugees who are entitled to protection. Under international law, refugees must be granted asylum and protection. Even if a refugee decides to move onwards from the first host country in which they arrive, it does not change their status as a refugee – they are refugees because of a lack of protection in their home country, this fact remains, regardless of the stages involved in their journey. It is essential that the two terms are not confused. Blurring the distinction between the two takes attention away from the specific situation of refugees - fleeing for their safety, and can undermine public support for refugees. All persons, including refugees and migrants should be treated with dignity and respect for their human rights however refugees should always have access to appropriate protection and assistance.

Words do matter. At a time with an unprecedented level of global displacement, and in particular in the climate of fear that is permeating societies, it is essential that we do not lose sight of the humanitarian ideals enshrined in the 1951 Refugee Convention.

For FAQs on Refugees and Migrants, see:

Malian Refugees in Niger participate in presidential elections

Tabareybarey, Niger July 28 - In Niger, Malian elections took place in a quiet and peaceful environment, but left refugees with mixed feelings. 4 polling stations in each camp, 4 in Ayorou and 24 in Niamey all equipped and staffed with polling boards were ready this morning to receive the voters. Since the opening of the voting at 9 in the morning, refugees have started to arrive at the stations and started to look for their name in the electoral lists posted on the walls. 

In Ayorou city 5 km from Tabareybarey refugee camp, 50-year old refugee Youcha Oufelane, was searching the names of his relatives in all 4 polling stations located in the school.

I was able to vote myself this morning in the camp, but the rest of my family could not as their names did not appear in the lists. I’ve come to Ayorou to see whether by chance I could find them registered here but cannot find them.” He did not conceal his bitterness. “As head of household, I wished I could bring more votes to my candidate, instead of seven potential votes my family could have brought together, only my vote will count”, he said disappointed.

In Tabareybarey camp, 45-year old Aminata Immalit, refugee from Ansongo was not able to vote either.

 "These elections bring hope for us Malian refugees because we have lost so much and a new elected President could help alleviate our suffering“, she said along other refugees showing their NINA cards, in vain.

On the other hand, some refugees found their names on the list but did not receive their NINA cards on time.

In Niger, 4161 refugees had expressed their wish to participate in the elections and had been enrolled by the Malian embassy. Around 900 refugees were identified in the RAVEC registry and reported on the electoral list, and about a third of them voted today. In the region of Tillaberi, there were 65 refugee voters in Tabareybarey camp, 12 in Ayorou city, 71 in Mangaize, and 175 in Abala. In the region of Tahoua, on the contrary, no refugee could vote as no cards reached Intikan and Tazalit refugee hosting areas. 
Photos © UNHCR/ C.Arnaud / 28 July